Every Victory is Preceded by a Battle! Dear Friend, Have you - TopicsExpress


Every Victory is Preceded by a Battle! Dear Friend, Have you ever faced a battle, a giant of some kind, a circumstance in your life that needed a miracle to resolve or turnaround? You may be facing a Goliath in your life, health, or finances today – an obstacle that seems undefeatable. But I encourage you to remember how David defeated the giant he faced. First, David recognized that in himself he had no power to defeat Goliath. You and I don’t have the power by ourselves, either! If we did, we wouldn’t be facing our giants. They would be gone. Second, David did something very unusual . . . he prophesied over his giant . . . this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you and take your head from you . . . that all the earth may know there is a God in Israel (1 Samuel 17:46). Third, David took action. He had to engage in the battle . . . and his story ended in victory! David had faith his God would deliver him. Just as David faced his giant in the name of the Lord, you and I must face our giants in the same way! Friend, have faith in God that He can and WILL deliver you from the hands of your giant! The birth of your miracle – the victory or turnaround you need – is ALWAYS preceded by warfare. Putting Your Faith Into Action: Seven Important Questions How do you take action against YOUR giant? How do you engage in battle? How do you resolve your miracle? Before you answer any of those questions, you need to answer these seven more important ones: Have you prayed for your victory? Have you trusted and believed in God? Have you spoken the Word of God over your circumstances? Have you prophesied over your giant and proclaimed victory in advance? Have you waged spiritual warfare? Have you Sown financial Seeds? Have you praised God for the answer before it has come to pass? When you’ve done everything you know to do, the Bible says to stand on the promises of God and His Word!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:57:17 +0000

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