Every body has the potential to succeed within them; you cannot - TopicsExpress


Every body has the potential to succeed within them; you cannot judge the potential of a fish by asking it to climb a tree.” You first need to know where people are, before you begin empowering them, I am sure you have observed that if you give some people responsibility too soon, you are setting them up to fail. Yes, and if you move too slowly with others, you will just frustrate & demoralize them. It is crucial that you have to be careful as a leader not to misjudge the capability of others. Did you know that in 1898 [the great scientist himself] Albert Einstein was rejected at a technical college because they believed that he would never mount up to much? What kinds of system are you evaluating the potentials of others, what kind of eyes do you have? What kind of vision do you possess? I personally believe our education system is not even fit to evaluate the potentials of individuals in society. I don’t believe a man should be rated according to his score from a school exam. That been said, please work hard in class, get the best grades. Jesus is my main focus in this series, he evaluated and chose the 12 to become his disciples, and my focus is in the selection of those 12. Ooh, I just love Jesus, REMARKABLE HOW FROM PROFESSIONAL FISHERMEN JESUS SAW PROFESSIONAL FISHERS OF MEN. What do you see in your staff/ brethren/ children etc? 1. Jesus first saw the potential/competence/ capability in them where they were, and in what they were already doing , then 2. He noticed what they were already good at and made it useful. Judas Iscariot[from tax Collector – Finance Manager] 3. He developed [made/ shaped] them into fishers of men. 4. He equipped them with his words [teachings] then later on equipped them with the Holy Ghost and the attorney to use his NAME. There is a need of having a good attitude towards others, see with the eyes of God; don’t focus on what is, look at what one can become. If you had seen Obama in Kenya chatting with his relatives, could you have thought/ believed that he could become the president of any country in the world, let alone the USA? My point is, there are a lot of Barak Obamas in our societies; presidents of NGO’s, Parties, Companies, Churches, Nations, who need a person like you to see the good/possibility/ potential in them. Remember that ALL PEOPLE have the potential to succeed within them; your role is to see the potential, find out what they are passionate about, develop them, and equip them.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:47:54 +0000

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