Every day Mrs. Nick would arise and with the help of her - TopicsExpress


Every day Mrs. Nick would arise and with the help of her granddaughter she would use the toilet and wash up, then she got dressed in her finest school teaching clothes. After breakfast she would sit in her favorite chair. About ten oclock she would start to get visitors and engage in conversations that were deep and educational. At eleven thirty I would announce that it was time for lunch. All her friends would leave and I took her lunch. While she ate we talked about math and history and english. We discussed her students and their ability to comprehend the things she taught. She had a brilliant mind and was very much in love with her position as a teacher. About two oclock she would receive visitors again and she would lead the conversations until her granddaughter came home. After dinner and her bath she retired for the night always asking her prayers upon retiring. Mrs. Nick had Alshimers disease and did not have any idea of who I was. Her Granddaughter was my step daughter. I helped out two days a week. Only Mrs. Nick could see her visitors, but the things she talked about with her visitors was very well thought out and very educational. She was living her life as a teacher and a counselor until the day she died. Alshimers disease is a sad and terrible thing. I do hope and pray for a cure.so the sadness can stop. Jim
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:03:04 +0000

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