Every day is an adventure and you never know when or who will come - TopicsExpress


Every day is an adventure and you never know when or who will come into your life and be a blessing or is an earth bound angel. Today I met some of these earth bound angels and feel so special because of meeting them. While at JoAnnes buying silk for collar backings, got to talk to several other customers there-- was stunned, one makes blankets for cancer patients, one works in the ped Nic Unit and was buying fabric to make blankets for the babies in there. She said that they never have enough blankets and sometimes that is the only thing the parents have to carry home (it took everything in me not to cry). The Lady behind me offered to pay for her thread because it wasnt on sale and not in her budget. All of these ladies were earth angels. We got to talking about me and making the collars. I explained what I did and laughed that it was a good thing my husband loved me because I gave all the money away. I was always giving away collars (which makes me very happy), donating collars, or giving away the profits from selling the collars. I am blessed that I can do that, and I love what I do (most of the time). So a day that started out a little shaky (I had a nose bleed that could not get stopped for a long time this morning), has turned out to be one that has made my heart smile several times. So remember there are earth bound angels walking among us and when you least expect it, you will be there to either welcome them into your life and experience the most unbelievable feeling of peace and love, or you will miss out. Ok, enough of my rambling-- but Oh Happy Day. the funny thing was the next store I had to go to, the lady in front of me was digging for enough money to pay for her purchase. So it as my turn to pay it forward. Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:06:57 +0000

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