Every day older I get, The more passionately I wish to live the - TopicsExpress


Every day older I get, The more passionately I wish to live the way I want to live. Life is way too short to spend your days Doing something that does not bring you happiness. The saying that for everything you gain their something lost is over so true. Do I do what I love to do and struggle for paycheck? Or do something that I hate for a near guaranteed salary? I honestly think Id rather struggle financially But be satisfied with the way I spent my time that day Than the alternative. Every single older and wiser individual in the towing industry 4 warned me. They would all AskMe Peter why on earth do you want to be more than just a one truck operation? And I have a long list of reasons why I needed to have two and then 3 and then 4 and then 5 and then 6 and then 7 trucks. Oh what I would do to go back to being a one man show! Do you know anybody who would like to buy my business..... hell for that fact if youre willing to take on my way abilities Ill give it to you. Ok enough whining enough bellyaching on my way home to snuggle up with the love of my life. Douhea xoxox
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:50:01 +0000

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