Every day when I go into shops and see people paying for such - TopicsExpress


Every day when I go into shops and see people paying for such cruelty and violence, I have to really bite my tongue. Literally have my hand over my mouth sometimes to make sure nothing gets out. Some days, it just comes out. This morning in the shop a woman with a toddler asked the man behind the counter... ‘‘How much is the Kinder egg?’’ (chocolate egg) Before he could answer the words blurted out of my mouth. ‘‘Well it cost the cow who was killed to make that egg a lot.’’ Indicating her precious child I continued. ‘’Someone else’s child was stolen, put in a box or violently hacked to pieces so that humans could steal their milk to make that egg.’’ She stared venomously at me...outraged I’d mentioned the unmentionable...but so clearly already fully aware of what I spoke that I just had to add wryly. ‘’As if you didn’t know.’’ But what I notice these days when the truth just blurts out of my mouth, is that the people behind the counter, seem to really enjoy it. They have big grins on their faces as if they’re even glad someone in this world of lies just said something real for once. One woman, in a supermarket checkout recently...grinned from ear to ear as I had a good old rant and full on row with some really ugly heartless vile people in the queue front and back of me. As I’d mentioned all the damage those torture industries are doing to the earth, she seemed to support me... to cheer me on...to express her encouragement by saying loudly. ‘I always bring recycled bags to the shop.’‘ ‘‘Well good for you! Going vegan would be even more important... but, good for you!’’ I said. Its like the truth wants to come out and really, deep down, people want it to come out. Sometimes when I’m considering whether to approach someone but hesitate feeling just too exhausted to take it on or speak about the animals, suddenly the people I’m thinking of approaching strike up a conversation which is just such a perfect introduction to the subject that I just have to speak. Its as if some unconscious part of them, or the universe, something... WANTS the truth to be spoken. And so almost pushes people into my path waving a flag for me to talk to them. There’s something in the air. I feel as if there is a momentum gathering, people are ready for the vegan truth. I heard somewhere someone say... ah yes... Philip Wollen in this BRILLIANT and powerful message below... he said.. ‘ is nothing more powerful than a truth whose time has come.’ Let it be. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=f--YzsNzEAg
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:58:22 +0000

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