Every five years hundreds of birds and animals are slaughtered in - TopicsExpress


Every five years hundreds of birds and animals are slaughtered in the name of the Hindu deity Gadhimai. This ritual is believed to be the largest animal sacrifice ritual in the world. The next ritual will take place this year. A very high number of animals are expected to be sacrificed at this edition. 60, 000 young he-buffaloes, 140, 000 chicken, goats, pigs, birds and other poultry will be killed at this years festival. The sacrifice begins with the offering of five different animals. After the sacrifice of the first animal, thousands of pigeons are sacrificed by severing their heads. More than 250 people carrying naked swords and axes approach the temple where buffaloes are waiting to be slaughtered in cold blood. Until then we must share and sign this petition and gather enough signatures to urge the Nepalese authorities to stop this cruel and barbaric mass animal sacrifice. We must come together and ask them to change their rituals. Tradition is no excuse for cruelty and it has no place in a civilized society. Every time the festival takes place the local business community is raising more than two million euros from sales of animal hides and carcasses. The government has declined to ban this barbaric slaughter despite the warnings that swine flu, bird flu and cattle diseases could be triggered by the mass sacrifice. Please SHARE and SIGN this petition and join me and many other people around the world in the fight to save the poor animals that are to be sacrificed in this years ritual. Join us in asking the Nepalese authorities to ban the Gadhimai ritual and stop the cruel and barbaric sacrifice of so many innocent animals. Do your part and TAKE ACTION NOW!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 08:03:29 +0000

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