Every indigene of Kwara must be informed!! It is strange how - TopicsExpress


Every indigene of Kwara must be informed!! It is strange how Kwara APC adopted the motto change, stranger that Bukola Saraki accepted to be using same for a call for political re-branding in his own state. I have heard people sprout change and I have asked, change of what, from what and to what? Lets conjure a mental picture of all the concerned. The noise of change slogan from Bukolas camp has been greeted with different interpretations. I must acknowledge brilliant reactions from different commentators, who (using Kwara as a case study) have variously asked the questions, change from what to what? Change they say is the only constant phenomenon in life. However true this is, a beneficiary of status quo would not join such chorus for change. In line with his new party slogan (which he wasnt privy to when that was formed), Bukola and his old entourage have been calling for change. Curiosity as a vehicle to knowledge land conveyed me to have another check on my dictionary (something I have not done in a year) to be sure the word hasnt changed its meaning from the original definition the oyinbo gave us. In brief, I saw change as (1) becoming and/or make different, (2) start something new, (3) replace somebody and/or something, etc. If we have to go by point number 3, the only intelligent question a sage would ask is,who is the somebody and what is that something to be replaced? Talking of an actor and an act? Coming down to our case study, Kwara State, who is/are this(ese) actor(s) or the act to be changed? Curiously again, I went further to ask myself has Bukola not been the one in power (as the Actor) since 2003, and has his actions not what has crippled the state economy and brought under- development to the state? Is he not the one that has been in power for roughly 11yrs, (through self and proxy)?. If these are the basic definition of change why would Bukola want to make such change, or do we need to ask what manner of change he is really clamouring for? At what level of the government is he pushing for this change? Is it a change of government, change of self, change of his political followers, change from his usual bad attitude for good, change of mind from his criminal past to after-punishment rehabilitation? So many questions that demand appropriate answers. KWARA AND CHANGE PHILOSOPHY The basic principle in a call for change is that things have not been done right in the past. Where that happens, in a situation like a democratic government, the people who have the ultimate power to effect change then yearn for same both in the act and the actor. In the last 11 years, there have been monumental corruption in different phases perpetrated by the state government captained by Bukola saraki, people have lost interest in the government because their money have been stashed away and there is serious hunger in the state. Yes, we need a change of Bukola Saraki who has been responsible for this outrageous criminality. In Kwara State, you dont need to go to school or at best have the minimum education requirement for you to be appointed SA or Commissioner or any other appointee for that matter as long as you have a long tongue to boot lick a tin-god. Merit has been substituted for mediocrity and the people who are running the affairs of the state, especially at the local level are to say the least competent. Yes, the state needs a change from such practice where an illiterate and incompetent hand will be imposed on the people against their will. Why are we not going to seek for the right of participation when non-indigene have been taking the front seat and usurping our legitimate rights simply because they are brought by a despot who care-less about the mental, material and medical development of his own fellow indigene just to favour his lagos elite who have milked dry our commonwealth. Im not by any means being discriminatory, but why would a Tope Daramola, a Koye and the likes be in charge of our most treasured assets at the expense of the better qualified citizens? Yes, we need a change of such practice and we want Kwarans to take what belongs to them. There is also the need for change from discrimination among the political jamboree appointees. While the non-kwara appointees are specifically and particularly more favoured, driving exotic cars from Honda Pilot Jeeps, 2013 Mercedes Benz 500 SEL, the local SAs are riding at the mercy of Kwara motor dealer through hire purchase arrangement. For good governance, we need a change of deliberate impoverishment of the genuine citizenry while foreign Aids are shinning. Again we need a change of such practice. Since the inception of Bukolas reign of impunity which began in 2003, billions of Naira have been received through the Federal Allocation and at the same time, more billions have been taken as loans and bonds from various sources, Banks, private lenders and SEC. These billions have mysteriously disappeared and landed into private pocket and the few investments that were established with them have been criminally converted to the emperors. Yes we need a change of this and we want the investments reverted back to state for collective benefit. THE ANTITHESIS OF BUKOLAs CHANGE When the clamour for change rented the air, people greeted such with suspicion and confusion. It behoves on curious mind to dig deep on what manner of change are we expecting from the man and the type he is actually calling for. As a bonafide citizen of Nigeria and an indigene of Kwara, Im under moral obligation to call my peoples attention to another form of criminal change orchestrated by Bukola Saraki to deceive the people of the state. People have been asking questions on the ownership of some of the state projects like Kwara Advanced Medical Diagnostic Centre, Shonga Farm, etc and the appropriateness of the huge amount of money expended on them. As an attempt to cover up the criminal past, Bukola Saraki has directed the state government to change all the state owned investment from their current nomenclature to Harmony whatever. It is no more news that Kwara Express has been put up for sale, even though there has been frantic denial from the state government. But the truth is, the process to sell it has been perfected. In this light, very soon, investment like Kwara Advanced Medical Diagnostics Centre, Shonga Farm, Kwara Express, etc will then be changed (in name only) to Harmony Diagnostics Medical Centre, Harmony Farm, Harmony Express, etc. As you read this, papers have been filed at CAC for change of name of all these corporations. The back ground intention is to cover up the past crimes and let people think the state now owns the investments, meanwhile, the ownership status wouldnt be changed- Bukola still owns them and Kwara Holdings has been commissioned to spare- head the fraud. Let me particularly make a brief reference to ownership position of KWAMDC which has been denied by the governor-general and his blind followers. I can confirm to you that the Centre was incorporated with CAC as Limited Company under the name KWARA ADVANCED MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE LIMITED with registration number RC 888629 (348817 optima -5144-2/03- P2426). At incorporation, the ownership has been skewed to one side Mediquip Medical Services Nigeria Limited largely owned by Bukola Saraki with larger percentage shares while the states stake is just a little percentage. Ladi Hassan signed on behalf of the state while one Onyali Keneth signed for the Mediquip Medical Services. One Omeiza Nana Hauwa signed the request letter for this change. Nana represented a different interest with link to Bukola. This is one of the most covered up criminal conspiracy in the state. Any doubting mind can make a further investigation at the Corporate Affairs Commission Headquarters, Abuja. Again, the only change we need is reclaiming of our hard- earned investments. With all these steps taken so far by the emperor, it is obvious that Bukola Sarakis brand of change isnt to exfoliate his bad/dead skin and change for good to meet up with his co-change compatriots in lagos, Osun, Nassaraw etc, but sharpen his pang and replenish his venom to bite the state even harder. At this juncture, we need to ask further, come to think of it, is Bukola a criminal suspect or a victim of political power play? I read a lot of his supporters crying foul of victimisation. I wonder what could be responsible for this crocodile tears and Bukolas clamour for change especially at the federal level? Was he not partly responsible for disappearance of billions of depositors fund which led to the collapse of SGBN? Is It not true that he criminally connived with the suspended CBN governor to write-off a loan of about N9billion naira in his favour? According to a news report, some of the companies used by Saraki to get the loans are Joy Petroleum, Skyview Properties, Carlisle Properties, Dicetrade and Links with Toyin Saraki, his wife as CEO. The bank accounts used were 0134115000050197, 013400100230974 ( Ikeja) and 0029001000013760 ( Ilorin). Is anyone still telling us that he hasnt committed all these acts or they should just let the crime go unpunished in order to irrigate the seed of impunity which has been destroying our system for long? Again, we need a change of this criminal and such crimes for our state to develop. I must not forget to comments on the surprise sheath of sword and bowing of an ego of a Bukola on the CBN governor saga. Immediately Sanusi was suspended, Bukola turned himself into the SA Media of the suspended governor and was spitting fire like a dragon. Many had expected that the CBN governor-nominee would have a tough time at the floor of the Senate answering questions solely from Bukola who openly frowned at the manner his ally, Sanusi was suspended. Surprisingly,(though not unexpected considering his natural coward-inside- ego-outside antics) the Senator didnt even raise a hand as he did against his own kinsman (Prof. Oba), rather, he quickly ran to his facebook page and started praise-singing the CBN governor- designate Godwin Emefiele for his wealth of experience, bla bla bla.... To any discerning mind, one would have expected his mouse to fight for his life in the hands of a Kitty than the manner Bukola cheaply bowed to his inner fear to quickly pay homage to the new man who may soon expose, by way of documents evidence the rotten past of the protem Senator. Is this another change the Senator is clamouring for, fear of imminent imprisonment, change of tactics? The recent discovery of how Bukola has been lobbying the governor-designate as well as the Ag. Governor Sarah of our dear Kwara points to the insinuation that the senator is jittery of possible opening of can of warm of the crimes he committed in the access bank saga, along with Alabi. I wonder why the guy thinks he can outsmart everyone with his tortoise sense; his moves is penny wise pound foolish for its already a matter up for prosecution. Again I ask, what manner of change does he want by begging in the close and bragging in the open? With all these impeccable evidences against Bukola, what more change is he asking for? Or does he want us to forget all his past and let the crimes be swept under the carpet? Or may be a change of the clothes he is going to use in prison when hes eventually convicted of these crimes? I read with utter disbelief the blind defence of Bukolas worst crimes by his hapless and pitiful followers tagging it as persecution. Is Bukola the only member of the opposition, why would the Federal government be persecuting him if he hadnt ran foul of the law? Why is it that there is always one fraud allegation or another in almost all the projects he claimed to have executed, Shonga farm, Aviation College, Diagnostic Centre, Water Project, etc haba! iwonikan ni? Im of the very strong opinion that if Bukola was at the formation meeting of the APCs slogan, he would never have subscribed to the change motto, for in Kwara, he is the only stigma we earnestly desire to change apology to MDB. Let me conclude this piece by highlighting some of the dare changes we in Kwara immutably desire: * We want the government to change from bad to good,all the state owned investment that were fraudulently converted to personal properties of the Mr. and Mrs. Bukola Saraki be changed back to the state owned * We want the tin-goda to relinquish all he has taken from the state illegally and return the billions to the coffers of the state and whoever has taken part in the various financial crimes in the state to face the music * We want change of practice of imposition of illiterate and incompetent candidates appointed or nominated/imposed for elective posts * We want change of order not to be ruled by impostors who gain all their living here but cant build even a room in our land (atleast for physical development);but have Ikoyi and V/Island littered with mansions in their names * We want change of a maximum ruler who doesnt tolerate dissidence of any atom * We want a change from prodigality where a former governor takes chartered flight around the world at grave expense of the lean purse of the state. * We want a change of a former governor who collects 100 million naira as monthly pension why those who served the state for 35 years are owed just a penny * We want a change of an emperor and a capitalist who converts all the state properties into his own (as if he will live forever) * We want a change of sponsor of violence who has turned our youths into hard-drug addicts and fish eaters * We want a change of a bigot who brings our traditional institution to disrepute all for his political survival * We want a change of intention on the proposed (wasteful) construction of a new State Secretariat,whereas,over N3billion was used by Bukola for mere painting called renovation on the old Secretariat just recently * We want a change of character and sense of responsibility where our government can function free of the dictate of a single individual * We want a change from promotion of dogmatism where our old men and women are perpetually encouraged to line up begging for N50 naira arm * We want a change from encouragement of sedition where our upcoming youths are paid stipends to come on social media to distort society values and justify criminality *We want a change of injustice where a state law maker will be suspended and refused payment for speaking against the emperor * We want a change of practice where the state lives on billions of naira loan from bonds; a change to stop the practice where loans secured through bonds lands in individuals pockets *We want a change from falsehood where a speaker of the state House of Assembly will be claiming membership of a profession he does not belong to. *We want a change of criminality where our lands (GSS, Agric, Amusement Park etc) are grabbed and given to cronies. *We need a change from plague of corruption in the state machinery to sanctuary of honesty,integrity and development *On a personal note If we may advise the change crier,I think the only change he probably personally needs is teaching himself how to perform ablution before he jumps into prayers as well as employing a Mallam for his children who are not too familiar with recitation of Suratal Fathia,let alone observing their 5 daily prayers When all these changes are effected, then Kwara and Kwarans will breathe a sigh of relief for freedom, genuine and altruistic development Truly Kwarans need a change from despotism to freedom, dont we? * God Bless Abubakar Baba
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:59:44 +0000

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