Every man charts his next step in life by virtue of the direction - TopicsExpress


Every man charts his next step in life by virtue of the direction in which he is looking, because whatever direction you are looking is the way you naturally go. You can’t look in two directions at the same time, you are either looking backward or looking forward. The direction in which you look determines the direction of your motion. If you want to remain hopeful, you must regard the past as past and refuse to look backward. Free yourself from the thoughts of how things used to be. If your past was not so good, you need to erase the negative experiences and all the things you have suffered from your mind, otherwise your attention will be divided; you will be unable to maintain focus. And without focus, there is no attainment in life. Look at Isaac’s story in Genesis chapter 26, every time he dug a well, the philistines covered it, but he never looked backwards once. As soon as one well was covered, he went forward to dig another one without a reference to the previous. No wonder he became so rich and prosperous. We can only pick lessons from our past to enhance our present position and prepare ourselves for the future, but never settle down with the sorrow or failures of the past. This is the trap that so many people have fallen into in life and they have remained on the same spot. Maybe you have missed some opportunities, leave them behind and reach out for what is ahead of you. Stop reflecting on past failures and disappointments! Stop reflecting on the things that somebody said about you! Don’t announce, think, discuss or even look at failure, because it is not the event itself that makes one hopeless, but reflecting on the event and bemoaning the situation. That is why you must keep your heart from pollutions with diligence! Anything that reminds you of your past disappointments and failures must be kept out of sight as much as possible, because they are traps of the enemy to keep you in stagnation.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:07:49 +0000

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