Every month we send out a monthly e-newsletter that shares what is - TopicsExpress


Every month we send out a monthly e-newsletter that shares what is going on in our ministry and the story of a woman who has been impacted by being a part of our chapters. Sign up to make sure that this email gets into your inbox each month here: leadher.us2.list-manage/subscribe?u=a9bd8f748d7edf41436e7b1bf&id=47f1ed8972 Here is the story we shared in this months newsletter: Early May 2013, a significant part of my career life that I had known for 13 years was coming to an end. Sitting in my home office with thoughts of, What now, God? Where do I go from here? I knew I couldn’t bear this loss alone, especially since it wasn’t the only difficult thing going on in my life. My family was walking through some struggles as well. Although I can always talk to God on my own and to family members on the phone, something in my spirit told me it was time to make some new friends; I needed to meet and talk with some other women. Then, I remembered. Wait. I was recently invited to a group for women. LeadHer Local, I think. My mind spins with thoughts as I scroll around Facebook. The invite for the first meeting in May describes the topic as something “we all need help in--patience.” I wasn’t sure if I needed patience but decided I would go to the meeting and see how it went. There I found myself, in a room full of women, on the first Monday in May, listening to a teaching on how to practice patience in the midst of the gap seasons in our lives. That period of time between when God makes a promise and when He actually fulfills that promise, which often can be a long, even painful, time of waiting and trusting without a sense of full understanding. I had come to that meeting not knowing how what I would hear would affect me, but at that moment, I knew that after 13 years of being in a comfortable space in my life, I was now in an uncomfortable gap. And God had brought me to that meeting to be in that room, surrounded by those women that I had just met, to remind me that He had and never would leave my side. He had not let go. Through the teaching, God reminded me that He still has a plan for my life, and that a big part of that plan is getting me to fully surrender to His leading so that he can grow me into the wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, career person—the woman, the LeadHer, that He wants me to be. Through the other LeadHer women, He has shown me that there are others who not only can relate to my struggles and listen when I just need someone to talk to, but that each of us can be a vessel from which spills Jesus’ presence, compassion, acceptance, support, joy and, most importantly, love. -- Heather Van Allen, Springfield LeadHer and writer/edito
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 20:45:10 +0000

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