Every morning, we drink a cup of coffee after the morning classes - TopicsExpress


Every morning, we drink a cup of coffee after the morning classes and see what CrossFit has to offer in the way of knowledge, new coaching tips or inspiration. We discuss the progress of our athletes and practice new progressions that we learn on the main site that we can use to pass on to our TAGG Team. This morning, we stumbled upon this video. It had us smiling and applauding the 90 and 100 year old athletes (yes.. ATHLETES), making us proud of what we do every day. We want YOU to be inspired by this video. Share it with friends and family as a reminder that you are never too unfit, or too tight, or too old to start CrossFit. If you are making excuses for yourself, and not prioritizing your health or your freedom to move, we hope this video will give you the motivation to get back into the box and move again. Old age is a myth. You have the time and the power NOW to make a difference in your state of mind and your quality of life for many, many years to come. Coach Rob and Mands Video courtesy of crossfit https://youtube/watch?v=i6HAcLQp5z8&feature=youtu.be MONDAY 6 OCTOBER 2014 WOD STRENGTH: 5x4 Pause Deadlift (3sec pause just below knee) METCON: 2 Rounds A) AMRAP 2:00 x6 Thrusters 95/75lbs x8 Ring Rows Rest 1:30 B) AMRAP 2:00 Row for meters Rest 1:30
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:21:16 +0000

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