Every now and then I find myself in the awkward position of - TopicsExpress


Every now and then I find myself in the awkward position of someone trying to force their politics down my throat whether it be left or right and as they stand their smiling expecting me even imploring me to agree I have to look them in the eyes and say I respect your opinion but I disagree wholeheartedly that that partisan view is the solution and that the government is gonna fix everything. My fierce power to the people views mean that I respect EVERYBODYS rights. I believe Power comes from your individual sovereignty to your family, neighbors, and community in that order. Im really growing weary of those on both sides of the aisle trying to assert that only the government (their brand) can fix things. Liberty is not complicated. I just dont understand the starry eyed pathological support for liars, war criminals, murderers, and tramplers of our rights. The only thing we can truly unite on as a country is a system that respects all peoples rights. The government was not created to pick winners and losers, (whether corporate welfare, ever expanding dependant class, crony capitalism, special interests, central banking schemes) it was created to give us the environment to be able to choose our own destiny. I take power to the people very literally and personally. Any party that uses their power as a bully pulpit or to bring down others who have god given rights of their own should be humbled. I identify as a libertarian as a way of seeing the rights of all people more than as a political party thats gonna displace the two headed idol that keeps us divided. What we do with our time, talents, and tributes go further than we can imagine. You cannot force ideologies upon others but you can embrace the Unity of seeing that we each have a right to our place and that Love will fill in the gaps. I know its been a while since I shared one of these LONG posts. Anyways.... just love one another.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:25:15 +0000

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