Every once in a while I have nostalgic moments sparked by - TopicsExpress


Every once in a while I have nostalgic moments sparked by remembering objects from my childhood. Tonight I was thinking about the vintage holly and berry salt shaker my grandma had when I was a little. The pixie like face and the green holly reminded me of Tinkerbell, so thats what I would call it. But my grandmother only had one because the other had broke a long time before. During most of my teen years whenever I went into an antique shop I would look to see if they had the pepper shaker. But as time wore on I realized it was unlikely Id ever find the same design. When my mom and I went to my college orientation in East Tennessee, we visited some local shops. While looking at the civil war era furniture and memorabilia, I turned a corner and low and behold at eye level was the holly and berry salt and pepper shaker. I was so stunned that I gasped and grabbed for my mom. She was just as amazed as I was to see something that had been lost since her childhood. But our shock couldnt match that of my grandmas when she opened her Christmas present that year. Its been years since my grandmother passed. And Im guessing the salt and pepper shaker have long been sold. But all the searching was well worth it as I saw the joy on my grandmas face when she held something loved but lost decades before given back to her again.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:48:52 +0000

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