Every once in a while I suddenly remember there are still people - TopicsExpress


Every once in a while I suddenly remember there are still people who watch the mainstream news and actually believe the lies. As all of us who are truly informed via the independent media fully realize, those people are hopelessly beyond reach. After all, they still think chemotherapy prevents cancer, flu vaccines prevent the flu and that government police state surveillance is awesome because it makes society safer. There are still people who think the national debt doesnt matter, too, and because of that faulty faith in fiat currency, they will of course be caught totally unprepared when the U.S. dollar eventually collapses. Although no one can predict when its going to happen, the certainty of the collapse of the dollar is inescapable. And when it does collapse, things are going to be so bad for the average CNN watcher that they will be absolutely clueless about what to do or where to turn. An instructive example of all this is taking place right now in Venezuela, where plummeting oil prices have caused a currency crisis thats gutting store shelves and causing nationwide shortages of food and supplies. Shoppers thronged grocery stores across Caracas today as deepening shortages led the government to put Venezuelas food distribution under military protection, reports Bloomberg. [1] Long lines, some stretching for blocks, formed outside grocery stores in the South American countrys capital as residents search for scarce basic items such as detergent and chicken... A dearth of foreign currency exacerbated by collapsing oil prices has led to shortages of imports from toilet paper to car batteries, and helped push annual inflation to 64 percent in November. Dont worry, the stores are full says the government As you might expect, the Venezuelan government lies to its own citizens with the same veracity demonstrated by the U.S. White House when trotting out falsified unemployment and inflation figures in the USA. In Venezuela, Interior Minister Carmen Melendez said, Dont fall into desperation -- we have the capacity and products for everyone, with calmness and patience. The stores are full... Of course, any fool with a set of eyes can see the stores are mostly empty, just as the photos show below. Then again, since when did government ever feel any need to tell the truth?
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:27:37 +0000

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