Every once in a while I will post something that is political in - TopicsExpress


Every once in a while I will post something that is political in nature. Ive posted about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers, and other things to try and educate. Ive posted about 9-11, the consulate in Benghazi, Libya and our response to the attack, The Arab Spring, President Obamas red line drawn in the sand, and other topics. Ive been critical of The Executive and the Legislative branches of our Federal Government. American foreign policy, is so lax as to be non so lax as to be nonexistent. Our President is allowing the world to sink into lawlessness and chaos. World leaders like the Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad, Xi Jinping, and Ali Hoseini-Khamenei are rushing in to fill the void of Americas withdraw from the world stage. Everything we see going on is a result of decline in American prestige and power. President Obama had a news conference on the Malaysia Airlines shoot down, where he said the act was a “global tragedy,” saying that “it is not going to be localized; it is not going to be contained.” The President also said he was sending the FBI and National Transportation Safety Board to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin was watching that news conference, he saw he had a green light, that America as going to do nothing. The airliner was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired from an area controlled by pro-Russian terrorist (separatists) in eastern Ukraine. The same terrorist who are backed by Russia and the Thug Vladimir Putin. The area of the crash is under the control of these same pro-Russian forces. These forces are keeping everyone way from the site, while at the same time allowing looters to come in a steal from the dead. They are cleaning up an evidence of Russian involvement. The FBI are the NTSB will not be allowed near that site, until Putins fingerprints have been removed. We no more control the crash site, than we do our Southern Border. There is no doubt that our President knows this is what is going on and what will happen. .... President Obama us using his usual razzle dazzle where he uses smoke and mirrors .... to make it look like hes doing something, when in fact hes doing nothing. In the end, we will know no more about what happened, than we do now....... Putin is going to get away with yet another sleight of hand.....With the aid of the United States. This Countries state of affairs can be laid at the feet of the President, Congress, and the American Public who could care less. We only have an imperial presidency because it has been given the green light from Congress. The U.S. Constitution is being ripped up with the OK of both the congressional Democrats and Republicans, especially in the House of Representatives, they are the ones who control where the money is spent, they could cut funding to any agency or program they wanted to. But they like their dog and pony shows too. The entire Federal Government is running amok, drunk on power. The world is laughing at us, while the ghosts of our Founding Fathers are crying. .......
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:08:32 +0000

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