Every once in a while one hears calls for women to do national - TopicsExpress


Every once in a while one hears calls for women to do national service. But why? Its such a weird notion of gender equality. (For me equality makes sense in the context of freedom for all, not un-freedom for all). I dont think NS is some sacred rite of passage, I dont think its character-building, and its supposed value as an arena for social integration is overstated because there are still scholar and White Horse platoons and Hokkien peng platoons and units you dont have access to because of your race and religion. As for all that bonding and cohesion stuff, lets be honest, theres probably more bonding going on in one week of a school orientation camp, where people get to express themselves as individuals, than during two whole years where people are stripped of their individuality and role-playing their ranks and vocations. I dont need to transfer my own resentment at this kind of state bondage towards people who have the good fortune of being exempted. I dont need women to empathise with my hardships during NS, or to appreciate the sacrifices Im making (forced to make, rather) for the nation. Women dont owe me anything--not gratitude, not even respect--for something I wouldnt volunteer for if I had a choice. And if Im going to whine about how NS and reservist and IPPT/RT cycles are disruptive to my life and career, the worst thing I can do is whine to women, who experience far more disruptions through marriage and child-rearing and care-giving, whose labour and contributions are often undocumented and invisible, and who soldier on without noisily clamouring for compensations such as Safra benefits, NSman tax reliefs and NS bonuses.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 22:27:43 +0000

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