Every one Read, Please and hit like if you did - I am the vine, ye - TopicsExpress


Every one Read, Please and hit like if you did - I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5 - Success is never a box you can just check and then in a flash it happens, Success is what comes from hard work and a very strong and beautiful vision. It will never happen by chance, or by sitting idle and just picturing it. Its all going to come true when you set goals daily, goals that you can walk towards and accomplish. As long as you sit idle and let opportunities pass by daily and do nothing - your ideas will never become a success. Failure is coming slowly from behind and will catch you unaware eventually. Soon someone else will do what you envisioned, leaving you only to dream about lost opportunities. God gave us all tools/gifts and a plan for our lives - now follow through daily, ask him for guidance and he will show you the way. You will feel his gentle hands guiding you daily and little images/day dreams in which he reaches out to you, to plant seeds. Work with people he places in your lifes time line, they show up for a reason or you get that feeling you were meant to partner with these people. Just today GOD gave me another amazing seed. Unbelievable I must say. Love Ya Long Time - The Curry Cowboy.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:26:31 +0000

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