Every one of us goes through lifes trials, and we feel so isolated - TopicsExpress


Every one of us goes through lifes trials, and we feel so isolated when we do, dont we? But knowing we all go through hard times at one time or another, there is a were in this together kind of vibe to it after all, isnt there? This guy right here has been through so much. I met him through mutual friends in the music industry. Hes always been very open about his journey. (Follow him on Facebook, read his posts... Very inspiring.) Whenever we do what we love for a living (our dreams), the journey can sometimes tear us from ourselves until we are just a cog in the wheel of somebodys elses car when what we wanted was to be our OWN car, feeling the breeze of lifes amazing adventures blowing on our face and through our hair as we direct our lives this way and that way and, at times, directly through the road blocked signs as we crash past the barriers created by our own fears... We did not dream as kids to show up every day, day in and day out, as a small part of somebodys elses adventure - forever suppressing our own or even denying they exist. So back to this video...I havent heard him sing in a lonnnggg time. What a beautiful voice! Im glad hes coming back to music (we never really leave what we are, we just explore other areas of ourselves, but I digress...) because he has a story to tell and now he can tell it with the beautiful instrument that is his voice and musical talent. Its really hard when youre still in the middle of one of these life detours to know this, but somehow I know in my heart this is true (no matter how many times I forget it): Lifes detours are actually the path that leads us to our truest happiness because its the road less traveled that leads us through all aspects of ourselves we are too afraid to look at when everything is going perfectly in our lives. You cant be truly happy if you dont love yourself and how can you love yourself if you dont know yourself? Its those crazy bends and dips in the road, especially the ones we didnt expect and some take an entire lifetime to understand (if even then) that give us the character and depth that is unique to us. It reminds me of the forensic term, rifling. Rifling are the grooves and marks on the inside of a guns barrel which then leave very specific and unique markings - spiral grooves - on a bullet as the bullet travels through that particular gun. No two guns are alike and so they can tell which gun fired a bullet. (Im really into forensic science - can you tell?) And no two people are alike either and by allowing ourselves to go fully into our own deepest, darkest barrels are we able to see for ourselves what makes US unique... our spiral grooves. When we emerge from the other side of that dark tunnel, we emerge with a deep and personal knowledge of who we are. Once weve faced the darkest parts of ourselves, and we have survived with a knowing of who we are, anything is possible and we will never be able to settle being somebody elses cog in the wheel of THEIR dream. I believe we can all win. There doesnt have to be winners and losers when it comes to personal happiness. So I say, dont let your fear of the dark and scary unchartered waters of your inner landscape stop you from finding out who you are... The world is waiting for your something special for your unique spiral grooves!! And now I am anxious to hear Gerrains music. This is him just singing laying on a couch with no fancy studio equipment... wow. Way to go my friend!! Im a lyrics person, I cant wait to hear what his soul has to say to the world about his journey. Enjoy.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:13:04 +0000

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