Every one of us has broken pieces, but these pieces are what make - TopicsExpress


Every one of us has broken pieces, but these pieces are what make us human. Things happen to us in life. Horrible things. We have things about us we are terrified to share. We have done things or life has brought lessons which we carry regret over. We have been in relationships with substandard treatment. We have forgotten our value or maybe are still trying to determine our value. Just remember that no loss defines you, no rejection defines you, and nor do your traumatic experiences need to be the defining moments of your life. Value is an inside job. Your value is YOUR work. If you dont like what is happening, then change it. Dont make excuses and live helpless under your circumstances. No matter what they are, stopping doesn’t help anything. If life hurts and you stop it will hurt worse. It may feel like you are stuck and can’t move, that there are no options, but in life there are always options. Who do you want to be? Do you want to be someone who believes there are no options just because you can’t see them right now? If you believe that …that is exactly what you will get. Beliefs make us either blind or insightful. If we have limited beliefs we will be blind. If we open our thoughts, get out of rigid patterns, become willing to change, we can completely transform our worlds. Broken pieces then make us beautiful; they make us complex and interesting. They show we have lived through something, just as the wrinkles we see in the elderly. Those wrinkles show the depth of their lives. Living broken means we have quit, knowing we have broken pieces makes us human. If we can accept this, the light will enter.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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