Every person or a group has all freedom to use peaceful political - TopicsExpress


Every person or a group has all freedom to use peaceful political and constitutional means to attain the objectives they believe, for personal reasons or national glory. Hindering the efforts by unleashing terror or misusing law and order machinery is cheap and any excess in this regard must be dealt with fair justice, I personally do not have any soft corner for Dr Tajirul Qadrie ideology but I fully endorse his rights and concerns to respond to the opponents or his promotion of politics. The model town episode was due to undeserved use of brutal force against the sprit of rule of law and the constitutional rights guaranteed , so this must meet a transparent end . Imran khan too has grievances against the existing system and the electoral rigging . He was projecting his ideas and has been projecting through peace and harmony, As for as the questions of existing system is concerned we all believe it is rotten and needs to be modified, the electoral rigging issue was mild as it happens every where and people around were not taking it seriously nor imrans contentions were fetching any sound logic, but when the additional sec mr Afzal Khan came with a statement confirming Imran theory, Nawaz Shareef has no moral reason to stick without ascertaining his mandate through impartial investigation, the same implies to Supreme Court of Pakistan as the credibility of the ex Chief Justice or Supreme Court has been questioned, the same will apply to the election commission, I believe the existing Supreme Court should have taken a so moto action to address this mega crises. Now when the stake holders have reached a dead end some one will have to play a role to avoid the national catestrophy , people must stop talking non sense and bringing art 62 or 6 every where? It has become obligatory for all to play a role including the army. The chief of the army staff has been wise if he sought permission from prime minister to play a role filling constitutional requirements, I believe he even did not need that under the circumstances and bound to protect the national interests or soveriegnty because the prime minister is a stake holder. If Nawaz Shareef had requested for intervention that also seems to be wise because he is not only a stake holder but has failed as chief executive to address the crises, peoples party has wavering stance and moves here and their for survival.i appreciate the chief of army staff for taking the initiative but will expect to play a crucial role on time before it leads to any national disaster My all prayers for all to use wisdom and not act for personal survivals
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 05:31:45 +0000

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