Every sane and moral person wants peace. However, I cannot - TopicsExpress


Every sane and moral person wants peace. However, I cannot possibly see that there can be peace or dignity for people of this area without a partner for peace who is willing to stop the incitement. Here’s my ABC of the idiots guide to incitement propagated by the regime of the Palestinian Authority... ABBAS - leader of the Palestinian Authority and the person entirely culpable for the violence, the break down of the peace talks and the death of innocent people living in the State of Israel and the areas assigned to the Palestinian Authority. Read on... BULLYING - During the peace talks, Bassam Eid, Director General of Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group criticised his own government declaring there is no freedom of expression in these areas. CHRONICLES - During the peace talks the PA Minister of Religious Affairs declared, history proves the Arab, Islamic & Palestinian rights to this land and disproves the Israeli claim that they have historical and religious rights to this land.” The PA Director of the Aracheological Institute declared, the archeological treasures in Jerusalem refute Israeli claims that its a Jewish city. The Chief Religious Justice said, Since 1967 Israel has been excavating unsuccessfully in search of their fictius history.” These are revisionist chronicles and incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. DOUBLE-SPEAK - Towards the international community Mahmoud Abbas addresses the international community in a language of tolerance and peace. During the peace talks he declared, I am committed to peace, but not forever. I don’t mean that I will turn to violence - never. In my life I will never do it.” Yet he ensured that during the peace talks his TV station broadcast a song by the band Alashekeen, denying Israel’s right to exist. The song demanded violence against Jews, jihad and grenades in the Israeli cities of Lod and Ramle. This is media incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. EDUCATION - During the peace talks and ever since, Israel was erased from the PA Ministry of Education school sign. Fatah’s youth movement ‘Shabiba’ continues to use a logo that erases Israel. This is educational incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. FREEDOM FIGHTERS - people who murder innocent civilians for political gain, who in a forgotten sane and moral world were once known as terrorists. This dumbing-down of this terminology is insidious incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and hostility towards the Jewish people. GRANTS - During the peace talks and ever since, money is paid to the families of cold-blooded murderers sitting in Israeli jails. The people who tried to murder me and slaughtered my friend are awarded around $3000 per month. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. HATE SPEECH - During the peace talks and ever since, the PA minister of religious affairs maintained that the conflict with Israel is religious and not territorial. In a sermon he declared, “Allah has preordained for us ‘ribat’ (religious war)…this is not merely a struggle over a piece of land here or there, not at all. This is religious incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. INDOCTRINATION - During the peace talks and ever since, children are subjected to incitement and indoctrination through television, summer camps and the education curriculum. They are taught that the most noble cause is to be a martyr. Footage of innocent children strapped to suicide belts are frequent in the PA media. This is incitement vis-a-vis child abuse intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. JUDENFREI - During the peace talks and ever since, this Nazi term is used to designate an area cleansed of Jewish presence.” It was adopted by the PA to declare that their future state will be an area free of Jews. In the PA, selling land to Jews is a crime punishable by death. This is fascist incitement intended to intimidate their own, deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. KRISTINE - my American Christian friend who was butchered to death by two Palestinian terrorists because they mistakenly thought that she was Jewish. In court they declared that their only motive was to “kill Jews.” The murder of Kristine Luken was a direct result of the incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. LIES - During the peace talks and ever since, lies are an integral part of the narrative of the Palestinian Authority. Jews killed Arafat, Jews spread AIDS, Jews set fire to the Al-Aksa Mosque, Jews steal the body parts of Palestinians, Jews have a plan to rule the Middle East, Jews control the banks, Jews want to rule the world, Jews control the media, Jews are behind the Arab world crisis, Jews are committing genocide against the Palestinian people and Jews are conducting a Holocaust in Gaza. This libellous incitement is intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. MURDER - During the peace talks a Bethlehem summer camp was named after Dalal Mughrabi who murdered 36 Israeli civilians and one American. A song was sung in her honour under the auspices of Mahmoud Abbas. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. NAIM Khouri - A Palestinian Christian whose church in Bethlehem has been bombed 14 times by Palestinian Islamists. Pastor Khouri has been shot at five times and buried two of his congregants. Riots against Palestinian Christians have also occurred in the Ramallah area and in Gaza. Rami Ayyad, director of the Palestinian Bible Society was brutally murdered by Palestinian Islamists in Gaza. This is religious incitement intended to deepen the hatred towards Palestinian Christians in Palestinian Islamist consciousness and provoke hostility towards people of other faiths who do not subscribe to Islamism. OBITUARIES - During the peace talks Mahmoud Abbas mourned the death of one of the planners of the Munich Olympics massacre, calling him a wonderful brother and “ companion. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. POGROMS - During the peace talks and ever since the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation sends ideological messages via television encouraging people to seek death, kill Jews and redeem Palestine through the blood of the martyrs. The latest outcome of this was the butchery of non-Zionist rabbis, praying in a synagogue far away from the Temple Mount. This is racial incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. QURAN - during the peace talks the PA minister of religious affairs declared, this conflict is explicit in the Quran and our obligation with regard to it is clarified by the Quran.” This is religious incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. REFUSAL - During the peace talks and ever since, The PA refutes Israel’s right to exist. They denote their most important cities (aside from Jerusalem) as Haifa, Jaffa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Tiberius, Eilat and Akko. These are Israeli cities that lie within the armistice agreements of 1949. The websites of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Youth & Sport and the Ministry of Planning also have maps of a Palestine without the State of Israel. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. STEREOTYPES - During the peace talks and ever since, Palestinian newspapers and websites depict Jews as greedy, ugly, rats and pigs. Many of the motifs are taken directly from Nazi propaganda and the fabricated anti-semitic document, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. TERRORISTS - murderers who are honoured, rewarded and esteemed by the Palestinian Authority. During the peace talks, the PA Minister of Prisoner Affairs honoured a woman because her four sons are serving 18 life-sentences for killing Jews. He also participated in a ceremony in Bethlehem honouring 73 prisoners serving life-sentences in Israeli jails by unveiling a ‘Tree of Freedom of Palestine’ with pictures of these 73 hanging on the tree. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. UNRWA - An international organisation that cooperates with the Palestinian leadership and in the name of human rights exacerbates incitement and facilities the deliberate murder of innocent Israelis and inadvertently causes the deaths of innocent Gazans. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. VIOLATION of human rights - According to human rights groups the right to protest against the regime has become increasingly subject to police control and restriction. A Palestinian blogger was arrested by the PA for starting a Facebook campaign called “The People Want an End to Corruption.” A West Bank university lecturer was arrested for criticising Abbas on Facebook. The former Minister of Information was shot after calling for reforms in the PA. The Freedom House annual survey of political rights and civil liberties reported that civil liberties declined due to the shooting deaths of Palestinian civilians by Palestinian security personnel. WESTERN MEDIA - people from democratic societies who hold considerable influence and moral responsibility yet rather than condemn incitement and violence, they justify it and seek to blame exclusively the State of Israel. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. XENOPHOBIA - During the peace talks one theme that was used by the PA was the symbol that depicts a person disposing of garbage in a trash can. The remake of this image included a Palestinian flag superimposed over the figure who was throwing a Starof David into the garbage. The added text read, keep your flag clean. The poster was broadcast on PA TV at the Palestinian Red Crescent which is part of the international Red Cross. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. YEHUD - Arabic for “Jew, and a term that the Palestinian Authority prefers over “Israeli.” Slaughter the Jews,” is a declaration of murder used by terrorists before blowing up, hacking at, or running over Israeli citizens, regardless of whether they are Jewish, Druze, Christian or Muslim. This is incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people. ZIONISM - in part, an ideology embraced by Christian Europe in 19th century who saw themselves as facilitators of helping Jewish people establish a homeland, refuge and self-determination. Today those same countries deem Zionism as racism and accuse Israel of colonialism. This is hypocritical incitement intended to deepen the hatred in Palestinian consciousness and provoke hostility towards the Jewish people.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:13:48 +0000

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