Every section of the society celebrates Birthdays, foundation days - TopicsExpress


Every section of the society celebrates Birthdays, foundation days etc. Following this, Muslims too celebrate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which is known as “MEELAD-UN-NABI”, few call it “EID-E-MILAD-UN-NABI” thereby making this Third EID. Allah gave two EID we have illegally added one more. Most of us are unaware, “The birth Day and the Death day” of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) took place on 12th Rabi ul awwal (3rd month of Arabic Calendar). So the celebration is for what??? For his birth or for his death? The concept of “Birthday” originated from misguided section of Christianity. They believe in Trinity of God. Father (ALLAH), Mother (Prophet Maryam PBUH) and Son (Prophet Jesus PBUH). They believe Prophet Jesus (PBUH): is the Son of ALLAH. Holy Quraan (114:1-4) makes it clear. ALLAH is free of all human qualities. Befitting tribute to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would be to (1) know his teaching (2) To abide by them (3) To carry forward his message to all. Holy Qur’aan (21:107) says “We have sent you (Prophet Muhammad PBUH) as mercy for the whole of universe”. Surely his teachings, if logically understood and practiced, can guarantee peace for all creators on this earth. Horrific attack on innocent school children in Peshawar killing 140+ proves a dangerous fact, brain-drained, misguided youth, are liability for the whole world. Politicians are seasonal players. Even in any human tragedy they will try to earn political mileage. While dealing with terrorist activities, almost all governments world-over have committed a serious error. They explain terrorist activities and their theory of conspiracy but none has reached the bottom of its roots. Even media fraternity has not so effectively focused on this. Passing stringent laws like TADA, POTA would never solve the issue of terrorism. Unless we identify its roots and destroy their origin horrific Peshawar like episodes will continue. Muslim community should re-think, what is our agenda in this world? Are we “Peace Loving Human beings” or “Enemies of Peace”. If we are true followers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), then, establishment of Peace in this world should be “Top” on our agenda. This process requires individual initiative. We must be alert always, any suspicious activity in our locality should be brought to the notice of law enforcing agencies or at least Media fraternity for its public exposure. ISIS, AlQaeda and many other organizations operating in the name of ISLAM are totally UN-Islamic groups. Muslim youth should never ever get influenced by them. Beware this could ruin your life. You will end up behind bars besides your family will have to bear mental and physical trauma. According to famous Islamic speaker Late Dr. Israr Ahmed (May ALLAH forgive him), had said, JEHAD is a 9 Floor Building, Waging War comes on the 9th floor, that is the last resort. Shall I tell you the JEHAD of ground floor, fight with your own inner enemy “NAFS” which is practically most difficult. Wars are unavoidable. Larger question is who is authorized to wage wars? Islam makes it very clear. its only for a democratically elected Govt. to wage a legal war. Private groups and organizations have no authority to wage Wars. If individuals and groups take law into their hands, no one in this world can even stay at home peacefully. First Khaleefa Abu Bakr Siddeeq (RA) gave instructions on war ethics “Stop O people! That I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from straight path. You should not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child nor a women nor an aged person. Do not harm agriculture, trees nor burn them with fire particularly fruit bearing trees. Do not slaughter any sheep or cow or camel except for your food necessity. You are likely to pass through people who have devoted their life for Monastic Life, so leave them alone (this specifically refers to non-Muslims)” if this is the dictate of Islam during war time, how it will allow innocent killings? Muslim youth may celebrate “MEELAD-UN-NABI” through enforcing the ideologies of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). During his farewell address he called upon Muslims “Do not appear before your Lord on the day of resurrection with burden of bad deeds. Life and Property of every individual (both Muslims & Non-Muslims) is as sacred as city of Makkah or day of Arafah (Hajj Day) or month of Zul Hajj. (So don’t violate its sanctity). Obey your ruler (even if he comes from inferior background) as long as he is not giving directions against Qur’aan and Sunnah. If you stand surety make loss good to the person assured. All debts must be paid-off. Do not hold others responsible for a crime committed by some one. Take good care of Women. Both men and women have inheritance in property. Gifts must be reciprocated. Take good care of your employees. Give them only suitable jobs. If they commit mistakes pardon them. If they commit grievous mistakes and if you can not tolerate any more, terminate their service but do not harm them. Nothing is lawful unless the owner has voluntarily given it away. Be trust worthy. Preserve the trust and return back to its owner on demand and in good condition”. We can celebrate through conducting Mass marriages. Health camps. Social evils awareness programs. Dowry is killing many young girls. Importance of Education, awareness programs. Establishment of Free Book Bank projects. Collect used cloths utensils and pass it on to slum dwellers. During winter poor homeless have no blankets. They spend nights in streets. Anything little you can, do it. Muslim youth please do not get instigated by irresponsible religious and political leaders. They are actually trying to capitalize over your emotions, beware. Do not create public nuisance and law and order problem in the name of MEELAD-UN-NABI. Of course, our country is a multi-cultural society so the Govt. gives permission for religious functions for all and they misuse this gesture by creating hurdles for common citizens. But Islam does not permit any activity which might cause least inconvenience to any citizen. We have a misconception. This is Muslim locality so we will enjoy MEELAD-UN-NABI. No!!! we are wrong. We are only owners of our house but street, road and locality belongs to all. Distribute Biryani, sweets etc to all in your locality. No crackers, no noise pollution please. If you wish to erect any flag on any private property, seek their permission, if they deny, don’t fight. If you erect in public places remove all flags within 48 hours. Keep vigil on rumor mongers, hate mongers, anti-social elements. Never believe anything in face value. Form local peace committees. Peace committee members should be Good hearts from all communities. Communicate with Police through Peace committee. Keep strict vigilance around your locality. Responsible youths should form into groups and guard the locality 24 hours in rotation. Work under guidance from senior and responsible citizens. If emotions reach its peak, immediately pacify the situation. Whether to celebrate MEELAD-UN-NABI or not, its everyone’s personal choice. Neither force it nor oppose it.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:00:29 +0000

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