Every sin must meet its punishment, urged Satan; and if - TopicsExpress


Every sin must meet its punishment, urged Satan; and if God should remit the punishment of sin, He would not be a God of truth and justice. When men broke the law of God, and defied His will, Satan exulted. It was proved, he declared, that the law could not be obeyed; man could not be forgiven. Because he, after his rebellion, had been banished from heaven, Satan claimed that the human race must be forever shut out from Gods favor. God could not be just, he urged, and yet show mercy to the sinner. But even as a sinner, man was in a different position from that of Satan. Lucifer in heaven had sinned in the light of Gods glory. To him as to no other created being was given a revelation of Gods love. Understanding the character of God, knowing His goodness, Satan chose to follow his own selfish, independent will. This choice was final. There was no more that God could do to save him. But man was deceived; his mind was darkened by Satans sophistry. The height and depth of the love of God he did not know. For him there was hope in a knowledge of Gods love. By beholding His character he might be drawn back to God. -DESIRE OF AGES, page 761, 762.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 06:45:11 +0000

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