Every time I see NObama he is doing at least one of three things; - TopicsExpress


Every time I see NObama he is doing at least one of three things; Lying, denying, or blaming. Mostly its lying. He displays clear signs of being a sociopath, pathological liar, some signs being; He lies about EVERYTHING. In fact, the sociopath lies more often than they tell the truth. They find it easier to lie, than they do to be honest. Sociopaths lie for the following reasons; For protection, to create a false persona of who they really are so you do not find out about them and their past. So that they can manipulate and deceive you for their own gain. To be in control. To lure you into a false sense of security so you become addicted to them. Telling you all that you want to hear. They don’t care about you or your feelings. Winning and being in control is the most important thing. They suffer from boredom easily. To gain sympathy and play victim. They find it easier to lie than to tell the truth. The sociopath feels safer behind the lie. The lie is the sociopaths friend and is the sociopaths mask of protection Sociopaths lie to deceive, manipulate and to get what they want. They lie to obtain things from people by deception. Without a doubt theres a sociopath living in the White House now.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:33:21 +0000

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