Every time I think I can swear off of political issues these - TopicsExpress


Every time I think I can swear off of political issues these jackasses do something else that really takes brains. So now we release a report that states CIA tortured prisoners who killed thousands of Americans in an attempt to gain information. IF TRUE & ITS A BIG IF since this was a partisan investigation by dems ONLY since reps walked out of the investigation over 2 years ago stating there was nothing there. No announcement of a criminal investigation by AG Holder, several border patrol agents & numerous civilian killed with guns supplied by a botched fast & furious that GAVE guns to mexican drug cartels NO AG investigation, 4 Americans KIA in Benghazi in a 12 hour attack while they PLEAD / BEGGED for help NO AG Investigation, IRS illegally targets conservative groups NO AG investigation, NSA wiretaps EVERYONE NO AG investigation. Black man robs store & tries to disarm a uniformed officer while assaulting him, cops kills perp in self defense & gets a no true bill AG OPENS an investigation. Black man who is collecting social security disability & runs an illegal untaxed cigarette business resists arrest & then dies of an asthma attack after getting simply wrestled to the ground & cuffed, cops get a no true bill by a grand jury AG Opens an investigation. Can someone please tell me WHY (besides the fact that both men were black & both cops white) AG is looking into these 2 cases and before the liberals respond about how awful these were WHY ARE YOU not protesting the unarmed white man killed by a black cop while all these cases were getting their airtime. I know why because deep down all of you know that these cops were justified, ALL 3 of them were justified.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 04:52:57 +0000

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