Every time someone says Scotland will be a skint basket case when - TopicsExpress


Every time someone says Scotland will be a skint basket case when independent, what they’re really saying is Scotland by itself is a skint basket case. They’re saying that without London’s help, Scotland is a poor, irrelevant joke, unworthy of investment and requiring an eternal leg-up from our southern neighbour. Some of them say this quite blatantly, but most imply it subtly every time they talk down an independent Scotland. The analogy of the divorcing couple again: every time the husband yells at the departing wife that she’ll be skint, irrelevant, vulnerable and regretful once she no longer has him to feed/shelter/protect her, what is he really saying about that woman? He’s saying she is less than a fully functioning human being. What next Thursday comes down to, is whether you believe this to be true or not. Look around you, think of the people and resources you know, and know of, and ask yourself this: do I believe that Scotland without London is and will always be less than a fully functioning member of the community of nations? That due to its essential weakness, incompetence and poverty, it will always need London’s leg-up in a way that countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark seem to manage without? Repeat: that Scotland will always need London to save us from our fundamental weakness? There are many people in Scotland who believe this to be true. If you’re one of them, then fair enough. Vote No. If you believe such thinking is precisely what Scotland must leave behind, then you have another option. From the comments section of a Guardian article.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:43:31 +0000

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