Every time that I speak with someone they are amazed that I am so - TopicsExpress


Every time that I speak with someone they are amazed that I am so upbeat and witty in spite of me being sick and still bed ridden after almost 2 years. I am still dealing with my knee problem. I have be diagnosed with Sjögrens syndrome with peripheral neuropathy and Lupus anticoagulant. Someone questioned whether I had stolen the churchs money.I will admit $5 fell in my lap during offering as a child. I personally thinks it has more to do with me being a bad speller. I am still having a hard time spelling some of those conditions. So I did some soul searching and concluded that, I had been out of my Mothers home for almost 30 years. Now Im sick and my mother drops everything to by my side. My mother has had to nurse my wounds, bath me, prepare my meals...... She has had to do everything for me that a mother has to do for a toddler. Mummy left the comforts of her own home and put her life on hold to be here for me and my often times ungrateful children. My mother has yet to complain to me or to be angry at me. She is still the tender caring loving mother that I grew up with. I will admit however selfish it may be that I love and enjoy spending all this time with her. I look forward to everyday because the first person I see when I wake up is Mummy asking me what I would like for breakfast. The last person that I see before I go to sleep is Mummy doing what she calls her final bed check which includes fluffing my pillows. She will get up in the middle of the night, if she forgot to fix my four pillows exactly how I like them. I never even knew that I had a pillow complex. My mother gives me strength and is my solace and there no monetary value for emotional solace. The Joy of the Lord truly is my strength as I go through this and I am humbly honored to be called his child. ....
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:03:19 +0000

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