Every twenty-four hours a well planted seed doubles. What do you - TopicsExpress


Every twenty-four hours a well planted seed doubles. What do you mean, a well planted seed? You didnt mention that before. Its not enough just to give. If you have love also, it will grow faster. Much faster. And love is not difficult, okay? Love is like, I want to be the boy in the Transformers movie. Thats all. Thats love. I want the whole world to be successful. While you are giving...the condition of of your heart decides how fast the seed works. Geshe Michael Roach speaking at the DCI Retreat in Krems, Austria, with 96 joyful participants at the Seminarzentrum Goldenes Kreuz.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:28:25 +0000

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