Every year I comment on a couple of pictures of children playing - TopicsExpress


Every year I comment on a couple of pictures of children playing in snow tunnels...of the dangers of snow forts...this year, with all of the lake effect snow they are showing in Buffalo...I think I will just share my story. When I was about 10, we got about three feet of snow and had it plowed very high in our and the neighbors yards. Us kids had a blast digging in the snow and making snow forts. There were snow tunnels dug under and through the piles the tractor left as well as through the snow that was drifted in the yard. One morning...one of the families of kids that normally ride our bus wasnt on the bus. I later learned that the three boys in that family had their tunnel system collapse on them. Two of the boys got out and spent what probably seemed like a lifetime frantically searching for their brother. Their brother passed away before they could dig him out. Think this cant happen to your kids because you dug snow tunnels all the time and never had an issue? Think there isnt enough snow over their head to pin your child in and suffocate them? Think your child is strong enough and wirey enough to get out if it does happen? The two boys that made it out were about 14 and 16. The one that died had a strong farmer type build, he towered over his brothers. He had bright blue eyes and a kind enough heart that he would stop bulling if he saw it. Here is the kicker...he was 18 years old and was pinned so firmly he couldnt dig his way out. It only takes 3-5 minutes to suffocate under snow...build snow forts with short walls and plenty of sky above and use a board above and keep the board free of snow if you must make a covered fort. I would hate to see anyone lose another child as a result of a tunnel dug into a pile of snow. Please feel free to share this. If it saves even one family the pain of losing a child to such a traditionally fun activity...it will be worth it.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:13:23 +0000

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