Every year, I list the big things in my life for which I am - TopicsExpress


Every year, I list the big things in my life for which I am thankful, and I hope to goodness that you know that if youre in my life, Im thankful for you and your beauty and excellence and all other glorious things that you bring to the table (this applies to everyone reading this right now). Its been a tough year thus far, and within one Facebook status, I cannot adequately express my thanks to everyone for everything theyve done because every year, this platform becomes like an award acceptance speech and I always come back later going, WAIT A MINUTE. IVE EXHAUSTED ALL OPPORTUNITIES TO THANK *insert person of utmost importance here that I forgot to thank because of reasons*. Therefore, Ive decided to throw all decorum out the window and be silly by throwing some thanks to the little things in life that I love but never really thank. Without further ado, I am thankful for: - Those long stretches in really strange contorted positions where you fall to the ground looking like youre pointing at an imaginary demon in the corner of your room or something while turning your head 12 degrees to the left and stretching one leg into the sky. Its like yoga, but really unattractive and awkward. You know what Im sayin. - While were at it, that amazing feeling you get when you start rubbing your eyes after a long day, and you see galaxies and stuff and cannot stop, and then you look in the mirror later and scream a little because you look like someone left you alone in a room with Alice Coopers stylist and he/she went to town. - The sound that ping pong balls make when they hit hard surfaces. Also, the clacking sound that spray paint cans make when you shake them. Im not sure why Im fond of these noises, but I am. - The little sprays of juice that rocket out of oranges and clementines and other citrus fruits when you peel them, as long as the little sprays of juice are not rocketing towards your eyes because owies. - That accomplished feeling that get when you finish a paper and then go back to your original title which was probably something like, Titleeeeeeeeeeee: The Sequel and realize that youve come so far because when you first started it, you clearly had no idea what you were doing. - Speaking of sequels, that feeling you get when you think you submitted the paper you worked so hard upon with its original title (Titleeeeeeeeeeee: The Sequel), but you, in fact, did not submit it with that title because exhausted you from the night before had your back at 3 in the morning. - That glorious feeling when you finally recover from a cut or bruise or something and think, Hey. My body just regenerated. Thats pretty awesome. IM ALIVE. HUMANS, MAN. YEAH. - That moment when a song you havent heard in years comes on, and you realize that your brain still recalls every single lyric to Genie in a Bottle but conveniently forgets tens of thousands of facts that you study for hours. Then you think for a moment that it might be helpful to put all study facts into Genie in a Bottle form, but then youd be singing Christina Aguilera during an exam, and from what I know of people, theyd probably be real jerks about that. - Those times where youre a total jerk about something that happened to you, when you know youd probably do the same thing if you were in another persons position, and then you just think, Wow. Im a hypocrite. Were all hypocrites. HUMANS, MAN. YEAH. - Drenching foodstuffs and hot chocolate with so much whipped cream that youre basically eating whipped cream with a dash of something else. - Doing something extremely idiotic, hoping that no one saw it, and then doing an idiotic victory dance when you realize that no one saw your original idiotic act, only to realize that people saw the idiotic victory dance. - Thinking about bugs and realizing that sometimes, youre at the park or somewhere, and an ant or something climbs onto you and then falls off a few feet later, and for a moment, you were like a giant speed train to that ant, and it now no longer knows where it is. I could keep going, but I think thats enough. Ultimately, I could use some smiles, and I hope this proves worthy of at least a few for you guys. Thank you for everything. You are amazing.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:58:03 +0000

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