Every year I sit down and spend time really ruminating on my New - TopicsExpress


Every year I sit down and spend time really ruminating on my New Years resolutions. This year, I codified my process, such that it could be replicable for anyone else who wants to embark upon that journey. Even though its January 2nd, if you havent yet done them, take this time to sit down and try on these questions. You dont have to do them all ... even a little bit of forethought can change your entire year. And if the term resolutions rubs you the wrong way, as it does for many, think of them as New Years Intentions. RAINBOW RESOLUTIONS for a NEW YEAR - and a New Life You’ll want to write all this down, because it’s helpful to reference what you’ve written at quarterly or even monthly intervals throughout the year, to make sure you’re staying on track with your goals and intentions. ;-) Start the exercise with an invocation, and a grounding exercise to get into your body and your highest self. Grounding Exercise: Sit in a quiet spot and close your eyes. Breathe deeply in and out for at least a minute, following the breath as you relax your consciousness and your mind. Take 10 deep inhales and exhales, feel the weight of your pelvis in your chair. Take 5 inhales and exhales into your heart. Stand up and stretch in any way that feels good - then shake out your body in an intense way (like a polaroid picture) - to let go of anything in 2014 that no longer serves you. Take a deep breath and say the invocation aloud. Invocation: May God guide me into the choices that will bring out my most evolved, highest self in service to my own heart, my own spirit, and to the hearts & spirits of the world. WORD OF THE YEAR - Take a blank sheet of paper and brainstorm a list of words - use auto writing (that means, just write down words as they come, without filtering or judging) - Feel into which word you NEED the most, which word encompasses all of the other words best, which word resonates with you, gives you an emotional reaction of some sort, a “YESSSSS, *that’s* it!!” - a juicy feeling, if you will. You want to be PSYCHED about this word. - Keep the rest of the words handy - they’re also what you want to call in, and it will be useful to reference them at points throughout your year. - Bonus points if you want to write arrows to other words that are related to / lead to / come out of your main word 2) BIG QUESTION What life do I want to be living at the end of 2015? How do I want to feel at the end of 2015? **What emotional state do I want to experience in 2015?** “The power of a question lies not so much in the answer but in the state of consciousness that it opens up. By asking a question, you let go of thinking you know that answer.” The act of letting go frees you up to an entirely new universe. 3) CONTRACT WITH THE UNIVERSE Come up with agreements that you’ll have with yourself and the universe - general concepts that lie beneath the rest of your experience. Here is an example of mine: - I am willing to expand continuously in positive energy with totally positive consequences for myself and others. - I will be intentional with everything I do. - May my life lessons be gentle (even fun!) and loving. - Send me truth and clarity and I will watch for and record syncronicities, dreams, signs and messages. - Use me as a divine messenger and I will be a vessel for truth, beauty, love and grace. - I will handle anger, sadness, fear or stuckness with grace & compassion & love for myself & others. 4) MAPPING YOUR 2015 - Get our your calendar - Brainstorm a list of ALL the events, conferences, retreats, experiences, etc that you may or may not want to participate in. This would include things like Burning Man, Summit at Sea, travel, etc etc etc. Put EVERYTHING down. - Then add dates to those that you know have dates, and leave those that wouldn’t have specific dates (for example, going on a vipassana retreat) and separate those into categories. Look at your calendar & the seasons. Which months are for introspection and reflection and which are for action and stepping up? Which are for socializing? Balance out all of your activities and determine which ones have the highest priority; prune as needed. 5) CATEGORIES After each category (and feel free to add your own), there are three sections: FEELING (what emotional state you desire in this category), OVERARCHING GOAL, and SPECIFIC TO DOs and/or EXPLORE (for more general maybes that don’t have to be set in stone but you might be interested in them) HEALTH CAREER FINANCES SPIRITUALITY SERVICE FAMILY FRIENDSHIP / BROTHER or SISTERHOOD / TRIBE BELOVED(s) PRACTICES/DAILY ROUTINE LESSONS/GROWTH/LEARNING ART/CREATIVE ENDEAVORS CELEBRATIONS TRAVEL / EVENTS COMPLETIONS 6) BIG QUESTIONS What do I really want? (vision) What is important about it? (values) How will I get it? (methods) What is preventing me from having it? (obstacles) How will I know I am successful? (measurements) 7) FINAL WRAP UP QUESTION What is the ESSENCE of what you’ve envisioned for 2015?
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:26:43 +0000

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