Every year since the resolution passed by the United Nations - TopicsExpress


Every year since the resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 December 1999 - the thrice-sacred day of Vesak (celebrating the birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha Gotama) is celebrated internationally. The International Council for the Day of Vesak has been granted Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council since 2013 - to honor commitments, the 12th United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations will take upon: Buddhism and World Crisis, as the general theme of the 2015 UNDV Conference. Therefore, this is the call for academic-papers for the 2015 United Nations Day of Vesak (UNDV) Celebrations and Academic Conference, hosted from 27-31 May 2015, by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Thailand, along with the International Association of Buddhist Universities. The academic conference will be held on the second day of events (29 May 2015). Papers are now being invited for the 12th UNDV Conferences main theme on Buddhism and World Crisis We encourage the thematically relevant interdisciplinary studies and welcome abstracts or proposals from scholars in all fields related the main and sub-themes of the conference: Call for Papers issued: 31 July 2014 Deadline for Abstracts: 15 October 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 30 October 2014 Final Full-Article Deadline: 28 February 2015 Invitations to Conference, sent by: 07 March 2015 MAIN THEME: Buddhism and World Crisis . PANEL ONE: Buddhist Response to Social Conflict . PANEL TWO: Buddhist Response to Environmental Degradation . PANEL THREE: Buddhism and ASEAN Community . PANEL FOUR: Buddhist Response to Educational Crisis Acceptable final articles, determined by the academic peer-review committee will be published for the conference, and made available prior to the beginning of the presentations. Papers selected for publication will be those that combine: Thematic relevance and familiarity with all aspects of the UN ECOSOC (or ASEAN for that specific panel) - to learn more: un.org/en/ecosoc/index.shtml or asean.org/ Significant research in primary resources along with Innovative theoretical perspectives Papers are to be written in a clearly organized academic style, not written as a form of casual Dhamma-talk. Your academic articles shall be scrutinized through the IABU Manager, before being passed upward to the Academic Committee formed for this conference; for transparency, they are: 2015 UNDV Academic Committee (*provisional, pending acceptance): Buddhist Response to Social Conflict: Prof. Damien Keown (UK), Ven. Dr. Hansa Dhammahaso (Thai.), Prof. G. Sumanapala (Sri Lanka) Buddhist Response to Environmental Degradation: Ven. Dr. T. Dhammaratana (France), Ven. Dr. Chao Chu (USA), Prof. Peter Harvey (UK) Buddhism and ASEAN Community: Ven. Dr. Sigambhirayan (Thai.), Prof. Le Mahn That (Vietnam), Dr. Dion Peoples (USA/Thai.) Buddhist Response to Educational Crisis: Ven. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami (Myanmar/UK), Ven. Dr. Geshe Samten (India), Dr. Philip Stanley (USA) ABSTRACT TITLE OR PROPOSAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Please submit a title and abstract of no more than one single-spaced page, along with a one-page CV or a 250-word biography - with your contact information. Abstract Proposals must be received by 15 October 2014. We will send confirmation of the receipt of your proposal and will respectfully inform all authors of the status of their abstracts/proposals. The proposals will be reviewed by the UNDV Academic Peer-Review Committee. You will receive feedback on your abstract by 30 October 2014. . Please send all proposals and articles as Microsoft Word Files (.doc or .docx) We must have your fully-perfected articles by the final deadline date to ensure that the article is considered for publication and presentation. Approval of ones abstract does not mean acceptance into the publication or presentation - as we reserve the right to screen your final version of the article. Once the academic peer-review committee completes their selections, and the editors have completed any additional formatting/revisions - deadline dates are established to ensure the issuing the publication to all of our venerable dignitaries, observers, delegates, panelists and students, etc., for the conference, in a timely fashion. PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES . Submitted papers are referred and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to the main theme and sub-themes of UNDV 2015 conference and celebrations. . Submitted Papers should be additionally readied for verbal-presentation (articles may be readied for PowerPoint presentations, rather than just reading from ones article). . Papers should be from 8-12 pages, submitted in the preferred font: Times EXT Roman (for papers with Pāli/Sanskrit diacritic markings). . Please download this font: bcca.org/services/fonts/ - and compose your article in this font. Articles will be returned if there are any undisplayed diacritical-markings. . Papers may be rejected for specific circumstances, but may be rewritten, following committee recommendations. PLEASE SEND ALL ABSTRACTS and FINAL PAPERS to the Manager of the IABU Secretariat - there are no other coordinators operating on our behalf: Dr. Dion Peoples: dion2545@hotmail If you are invited to attend our international conference, your arrival should be on 27 May 2015, and departures begin on 31 May 2015). Any additional longer-term shall be from your own expenses. Invitation notifications to accepted scholars for presenting at the UNDV 2015 Conference and Celebrations will be sent by 07 March 2015. Economy-class airfare will be reimbursed upon arrival, and food and hotel-accommodations near MCU-Wangnoi Main Campus, Ayutthaya will be sponsored by MCU - only for scholars with approved articles. We would be honored if you could grace us with your valuable contribution and presence. Yours sincerely, Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Brahmapundit Rector, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Chairman, International Council for Day of Vesak Chairman, International Association of Buddhist Universities
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 04:39:54 +0000

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