Every year this country has Black Friday. The day after - TopicsExpress


Every year this country has Black Friday. The day after thanksgiving everyone rushes through the door of their favorite store. Some stand in line for hours just to get that great deal. They read ads for weeks making plans for when the sales begin. From that day until Christmas the shopping frenzy begins. Our immigration crisis began months before these people arrived. They were told that the doors to our country would be opened. They would have their transportation paid for. Once they got here free housing, clothing, and food would be provided. The red white and blue light special for them had begun. The number of undocumented people has climbed for decades. At least those people came here to work, and provide for their families. These people today are not coming for work. They are coming to live off of your dime America. I don’t blame the ones showing up. The politicians allowing this to continue are solely to blame. We have over 10 million people unemployed in this country. We have mothers who cry themselves to sleep. They cry because their kids didn’t get to eat. We are not entitled in this country! Why do we keep giving money to those who think they are entitled? This country collapses and we won’t be able to help anyone including ourselves. This crisis does nothing to create jobs or rebuild this country. Our homeless live on the street with very little to eat. But we provide food and shelter to those who have never worked in this country. While homeless veterans gave all they have for this country. Shame on you Obama and Kerry for these criminal acts… They are offering up to 7,000 to take in one of these refugees. People drawing social security don’t bring in a fraction of that. Our veterans who have retired don’t bring in that kind of money. There are over 100,000 of these so-called kids who have crossed, and the numbers climb everyday. From the looks of these pictures, they don’t look like kids to me. That’s seven hundred million dollars a month we are paying out for this bargain. Yes I said per month not year. To break it down even more, that’s eighty-four thousand dollars a year per person. That’s more than most cops, and teachers make in a year. The courts are completely overwhelmed, and guess who’s paying for their lawyers? How much is it costing us to pay the Mexican Government to allow them to cross? How much does it cost to fly them all over this country? The list goes on but I bet we spend one billion a month. We along with our forefathers have worked to build this home. Not for criminals in Washington to open our doors, and give it all away. We aren’t feeding our own kids, and we have run out of money to feed theirs. Name one other country that would do what we are doing? Didn’t think you could!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:12:00 +0000

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