Everybody dreads this day, the day you are dressed in your best - TopicsExpress


Everybody dreads this day, the day you are dressed in your best suit and stretched out in a pine box. Most of you refuse to think about that day. You do everything you can to prevent your departure from this world. You exercise, eat right, and take medicine when you are sick. However, sooner or later, no matter how hard you try or what you do, you will end up dying. Ten out of ten people will die. There is just no escape. The question is not whether you will die, but what will happen to you when you do. Everybody has his or her idea. For example, some believe in rein carnation. Others say that you die, are buried, and that’s it. Many others say no one can know. Perhaps you believe that if you are good, you go up, and if you’re bad, you go down. The Bible says that it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. God is not a man that He should lie. We can trust Hi m on this one. At this judgment you will give an account of your life, and then it will be determined if you will be allowed into heaven or if you will be cast away from God’s presence. There is one question today. Are you ready for that day? Die you will. Be judged you will. But your eternity needs to be decided today. When the books are opened in heaven, and your life is laid bare before heaven and earth , what will be the verdict? The Bible says that each one of us will be judged for the things that we did on earth. We will be judged according to God’s law, the Ten Commandments. Not one of us will fair well on that day. Yet amid all this bad news, let me give you some good news. Jesus Christ is offering to defend you on the day you will stand before God. If you choose to change your ways and take Christ for your Savior, He w ill defend you on Judgement Day. If you deny Christ today, He will deny you on that d ay. If you turn from your sin today and turn to Christ, He will turn to you and wash away your sins and change the verdict Illustrated Evangelistic Messages 18 from guilty to forgiven. If you refuse to turn, He will refuse to forgive. That is pretty good news for you and me. This may be a drama, and the person in this casket will be getting out in a few minutes, but the message is as serious as death itself. If you live without Christ in the world, that is your business. But if you die without Christ, OH HOW ALONE YOU WILL BE ON THAT DAY WHEN YOU MUST GIVE AN ACCOUNT BEFORE GOD
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:04:25 +0000

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