Everybody i know thats young is having babies. And i honestly - TopicsExpress


Everybody i know thats young is having babies. And i honestly would like to start the day off by saying a few things. I was and am a teen mom. I had my son in 2007 making me 16 years old. I had a normal pregnancy, normal birth and everything was dandy. Great support group, my friends. I thought that was all i was gonna need. 2 years after my son was born he was diagnosed with autism. For those who dont know much about it. It ranges, from mild behaviors to very aggressive and thank god my son was blessed with a mild form of autism. He doesnt speak well but he tries. And when hes excited he screams with joy or hugs someone nearby. He is so sweet and doesnt ever give me a reason to believe that he will ever hurt another human being. But what im trying to say is that i didnt expect an autistic child. Its not something they can tell you beforehand.. its scary and it comes out of nowhere. And when its here you cant think about what you coupd have done because by then thats your baby and your all he or she knows. So please if your young. Thinking about babies.. just think of me. I had the best everything. I had help.. friends.. money.. a good doctor but nothing could have prepared me for the difficulties that i thank god i have today. Please just think about your life and think about how much it is that you want to give up right now. God bless everyone.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:24:33 +0000

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