Everybody is Talking about Trayvon Star Witness...What I Strongly - TopicsExpress


Everybody is Talking about Trayvon Star Witness...What I Strongly Feel is that we are So Use to Seeing Witnesses Testify that have been 'Taught/Told' what is Best to Say Versus Being Completely Honest.Yes,She Could have been a lot more Tactful with Strong Points Like Yes,that was Trayvon Screaming becz a Friend knws another friend voice,But Lets NOT lose focus on What is Actual Facts..The Fact Still Remains that Zimmerman Followed that Boy after Being told Not to.I Bet if Trayvon had Done to Zimmerman What Zimmerman had done to Trayvon....Trial would of taken less then a year,Jury would be All White Males, Deliberation taking only a few hrs with a Plea of GUILTY for 1st Degree Murder,On Death Row for 2months & Toasted Already.POW!! & In that Order!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:52:56 +0000

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