Everybody knows The days on sitting in my room, worrying my - TopicsExpress


Everybody knows The days on sitting in my room, worrying my parents of whats to come next. For years after much fighting against societys grasp on my life, environmental causes, and countless of other small causes to keep challenging the system. I wanted to know the American dream, was it just a dream or was it reality. My radio station and my base ham radio system was my tool for just that. Thousands of people across the country would chime in saying they caught a glimpse of my show on AM. When transmitting on ham bands for communication, I could reach other countries with ease. Receiving QSL cards and FCC notices was a part if life. I wasnt content with my surroundings and things I had endured in my life. I was young and needed a release and a cause to make me feel as though I was helping to make a better world and doing something. My parents though they didnt quite understand why I was the way I was, they did support me. There was hiccups and situations that didnt play out well, but they stuck by me when many where against me. Lol, the words we are doing things different with your brothers was slung around often. They did just that, but the one brother following my foot steps changed and has a good family now. The other one that was, well lets just say he wasnt into my thing, joined up to be an activist. It was nice spending the time with him here in Honolulu. Ive push the system so hard for so long I dont know how to be anything different. This one girl I dated off and on most of my time here said I look for the fight. I told here she nuts, I want the normal life. Its true what she said, but its also true what I said. Im stuck in this limbo between a fight for whats right and wanting to live my life. I want it to work in Hawai‘i. I want to help in any way possible to create a better world, but its hard in Hawai‘i. I can jump on a plane and get back to Virginia and just live my life affordably and comfortably. I can go to many other counties and many would help me start all over again. Although this area has a grip on me like no tomorrow. There is so much to be done out here. I think back to those days in my room, bringing up every topic know to get a rise and make things right often. Sitting back listening to my tunes and sharing it with the world. I was running so much transmit power out of my 100 ft long 6 element boom antenna on a 60 foot tower an eight foot long light with out a fixture or electricity provided to it would light up a half a block away when I keyed the mic. I still have my old equipment, you never know when Ill need it again. Ive changed as Ive become older. I realize much of what I missed out on in life, but hold close what Ive accomplished and seen in my life. Ive traveled the world and talked with the world. Ive lived in so many areas it spoiled me, because there is something I miss from every area Ive lived. Ive changed, I have become more calculated, and a bit more conscious of what Im doing. I target the subject and do whats needed to confront it head on. The cause I seek is true and its humane. If I can just bring back one small sliver of what was called the American dream, I will have succeeded and then I can live my life. Even if its just to myself, I can say I did that. I want America to uphold there promise to the people. I want there to be respect to all walks of life in all its forms. What I have targeted is the homeless situation and there is no worse situation in this county than that of Hawai‘i. Some people cheer me on, some despise me. I dont give up easily. If I learns one thing its how to be hard headed as Ive been told many times in my life. I have the will, and Im persistent. The politicians of this area has sent me police, military, street repairmen who thought they were gods, the community, media and what not, the list goes on. I have stood you down this long, what makes you think Ill give up now? Just wait for it, my next tactic is just around the corner. youtu.be/PuuCezrAUKk
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:48:08 +0000

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