Everybody loves a ghost story. Ok, almost everybody. When I - TopicsExpress


Everybody loves a ghost story. Ok, almost everybody. When I was a kid, my parents opened a restaurant in a 150+ year old building in El Paso. The place had a long history, having served as a municipal building and, eventually, a multi-family dwelling. Wed been told some people had died in the building over the years and that their ghosts could still be seen haunting the place. One night, my mom saw a small Mexican woman go around a corner as my dad was shutting the lights. SHe told him to wait as there was still a customer headed for the restrooms. There was no one there, but mom saw what she saw. In college, a man attacked some girls I knew with a knife in an apartment where they were having a party. Afterward, the girls parents pulled them out of school and nobody wanted to live in that place with its blood-stained carpet and bloody handprints smeared across the walls. Nobody but me, that is. I painted the 3 bedroom place with its sunken living room, fireplace, a pool outside the front and back doors and the laundry room just steps away. No roommates either. I loved it. That is, until creepy things started happening in there. Aside from lights going on and off, cold spots here and there, and a bathroom floor that got so hot I couldnt stand on it (plumbers tore up the cement outside and found no explanation), the clincher was the footsteps coming toward my room from down the hall after I had just flopped into bed. The steps entered my carpeted floor and plopped down on the end of my bed! My feet never touched the ground as I shot out the door and sat by the pool. That complex was torn down many years ago, but Ive wondered if whatever was built in its place has experienced anything weird since then. Over the years, I have been privileged to take part in blessing churches, homes, places of business and warehouses. Weird things had been happening in those places and the owners wanted those things gone. In every case, to Gods glory, the strange occurrences ceased and great things happened there afterward. Speaking of blessing businesses, here is a video I saw today (youtu.be/n07myucGOGk). It starts slow but stay with it. Now, Im not stupid; I know things can be faked. But things like this actually DO happen. Im convinced that WE, the Body of Christ, have the authority Jesus gave us to command peace to come and the disturbances to stop. Whether someone died in a building, or a facility was built on a site where something evil once took place, we should pray expecting evil to stop when we declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over a place. One of the most popular articles Ive written over the past 16 years was an article on how to bless your home. Great responses came in as people learned to exercise their dominion as priests and kings. Any comments?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:34:58 +0000

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