Everyday I struggle with my emotional issues. I let my bad - TopicsExpress


Everyday I struggle with my emotional issues. I let my bad emotions swing and run my life. I hate it! Everyday I put doubt into myself and for that, I continue to hurt the people I love. Why do I do this to myself? Like really, what is the deal? Everyday I think of that scene from Saving Private Ryan in which the older Private Ryan is kneeling before Captain Millers Grave in France. He is crying and he asks his wife if he did good in his life. It brings me to tears. I am constantly evaluating my life and the daily deeds I do. I feel like I am not important any more. I know I am, it is just hard to not feel like I am. I need some validation of my existence, to know I am doing great. Why? I feel like my personal sacrifices I do on a daily basis go unnoticed. They for surely dont, but my mind is wired to think that they are not. I have the best loved ones that continue to put up with me. I feel like crap when I hurt them. I take a step forward to only take 2 steps back. I need to remember that I am not the center of the universe. What do I do?
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:43:07 +0000

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