Everyday I tell my son: You are beautiful, you are sweet, you are - TopicsExpress


Everyday I tell my son: You are beautiful, you are sweet, you are smart, you are loving... Positive affirmation and the reinforcement of qualities I want him to have as a good person. Before long, the world will find ways to make him feel otherwise. That is why I also tell him, Mommas in charge, so that there will be no one he will have to prove himself to, and he will never be less than. When life asks him who he is, he will have developed a wholesome confidence to carry him through each stage. I dont believe a boy becomes a man when he turns 18. I believe he becomes a whole new type of newborn, preparing for the next step in life. A boy is a man when he marries and has a family of his own for which he provides. He is a man when he knows what it means to be selfless. He is a man when he knows what he stands for, how to lead, how to love, how to be loved, and how to live a life of morals and values even when no one is watching. He is a man when responsibility is no longer a sacrifice or obligation, but a natural choice. Nevertheless, even when that boy becomes a man, he is forever his parents baby. A good parent understands that their job is never done. When they are gone it will be their example, the values they instill, and the ways in which they made their child feel that will last and create a cycle for generations to come. I will forever tell my baby he is beautiful, sweet, smart, loving... and he will always be my baby to love and lead, even when he has his own.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 03:13:22 +0000

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