Everyday one minor girl is being raped and murdered by settler - TopicsExpress


Everyday one minor girl is being raped and murdered by settler Muslim Bangalis. Every month somewhere in CHT, settler Bangali Muslims are looting and setting fire on Indigenous people homes,monasteries and properties infront of Bangladesh military force. Rape,violence,communal attacks,barbari sm,vandalism, destruction,land grabbing etc all these words are becoming more and more visible and audible every corner of CHT. What could be the solution for these problems?? Suppose all indigenous people convert to Islam. Do you think the problem is solved??? Never! Because Islamophobia is the main threaten for the world peace nowadays. Even a Muslim is not safe with another Muslim. Shall we immigrate to another country?? Yes, of course we can. But how? Where?? This solution is not applicable for all. As most of our indigenous people are suffering from poverty while most of time they are being attacked and looted by settler Muslim Bangalis. What if all settler Muslim Bangalis will be resent there where they from? Yes! Thats a solution too. But its not happening as the government bringing more and more illiterate and barbaric settler Bangali Muslims from all over the country into CHT. What if the CHT demilirarized?? Yes! Its an another solution. Because settler Bangali Muslims are continuing their communal attacks with the support of military force. But who will demilitarize in the CHT? What if The Peace Accord is implemented? Yes! Its an another way and only the official solution that could be done now. But its also left in undone. What if all indigenous people be armed and stand together against their all challenges to achieve their own rights to live peacefully?????? #Photo Details :- Our Jumma brothers and sisters are protesting against communal attacks in front of White House in Washington DC that done by settler Bangali Muslim in Nannechar under Rangamati dist. with the support of Bangladesh Military force(As military did nothing when those barbaric settler Muslim Bangalis are setting firce on Indigenous people 60 homes and shops in front of them!!) on 16th December, The Victory Day of Bangladesh.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:30:44 +0000

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