Everyday we make choices, be they conscious or subconscious. - TopicsExpress


Everyday we make choices, be they conscious or subconscious. ‘What shall I have for breakfast?’, ‘Lunch?’, ‘Dinner?’, ‘What time do the kids need to be picked up?’. ‘What will they eat?’, and so on and so forth. We lead busy lives where we need to make decisions all day, be them in work or at home. We only get a certain amount of willpower and slowly throughout the day our reserves get used up. The choices we make first off in the day can drain us, hence when deciding on whether you should train after work on a dark and wet evening or go home to sit on the sofa, the latter normally prevails. The same goes with food choices. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just human nature. We tend to opt for the easiest option most of the time – we’re not stupid. Why not take the guessing work out of things for you though and plan ahead? You may think it’s easy for us to do, as we eat, breathe and sleep this lifestyle, but we too are only human and I for one would much rather have a pizza and ice cream instead of a chicken salad. A little preparation goes a long way though. Write out your meals weekly and make them the night before for the forthcoming day. Place you clothes out the night before for the morning. Write a ‘to do’ list so you’re not restless in bed thinking of what’s ahead. Plan. It’s not rocket science and I don’t want to sound pedantic. It’s good habits, practiced consistently over a period of time that will get you to where you want to be. Adam @W10
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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