Everyone I have listed as a friend here on Facebook is someone I - TopicsExpress


Everyone I have listed as a friend here on Facebook is someone I actually know. Family, classmates, co-workers, people I grew up with, people I met through various internet forum..People I have known all my life. I have not always been the best person in the world. Ive done many things Im ashamed of. Some I can barely live with. Ive done many things I am proud of, things I am astonished I accomplished, seen so much of LIFE. But thats not what I came to say. I know you guys, and you know me. Some of you better than others. Some of you are connected to parts of my soul, parts of my childhood, parts of my life that will remain with me forever. Some of you I love so much my heart can hardly contain it. Some of you I loved long ago, but it always leaves a mark. Some of you Ive known for shorter times, but have nonetheless forged deep friendships with. Friendships I treasure. Friendships I am thankful for everyday. In my life, I have brought hurt to some of you. A lot of you. Some not so bad, some so bad the pure guilt overwhelmed me so much I had to pause while writing this sentence. Whether willingly, unintentional, maliciously, accidentally or otherwise; I am truly sorry. I feel a burden for so many things in my life. I want to tag people so badly, but some things should remain quiet. But know this: For anyone I have ever hurt, lied to, bullied, taken from, smacked around..If I ever broke your heart or helped someone else do so, I am deeply, honestly repentant. It was never you, it was always me. Me and me alone. Sometimes life makes you crazy. It just took a long time for me to tame mine.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:49:20 +0000

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