Everyone: Thank for the sweet outpouring of kind words. Each - TopicsExpress


Everyone: Thank for the sweet outpouring of kind words. Each message reminded me of wonderful shared experiences and the good times we had. And some times...not so good. I was reminded of some very stupid things Ive done. And occasionally some amazing things that I didnt think I had in me. I will admit to shedding so many tears while reading these that I had to close my office door and cry like a baby. I know, not very impressive to admit (I think Heath may threaten to and actually kick me in the netherregions for admitting this), but it really touched my heart and helped me feel things I havent felt in a long time. I still have lots of personal introspection to do...much soul searching and personal growth will be ahead for me. Im hopeful that the true purpose of this message -- that we all need to be kinder to each other, particularly those of us that are suffering in the singles world, will reach someone out there and will cause better behavior from all of us. I dont know what is in store for me in the future. But Im thrilled to know that I have so many wonderful people in this world that will be by my side on this path. For those of you that actually sent texts, emails, telephone calls, and even came over to my house to make sure I wasnt slashing my wrists (Kristin Riley and Lauri Anne Spiker you are the dearest women ever), please know that while I am hurting, Im at least on the road to recovery. My concern, which is shared by many others about their own experiences, is that because of my pain I will shut up my heart into the titanium box that all single people keep and I wont let it out to be hurt again. We all have to protect against that. We have to let ourselves feel, so that we can stay compassionate; so that we can give service; so that we can love. I dont want to become jaded, because I know shes out there. Shes probably just stuck in a tree and hasnt figured out yet how to get down and show me that she wants me as much as I want her. If she can read my words, I hope she knows Im losing patience and she needs to hurry up. For all of us, we need to remember -- words are powerful; actions speak louder. Let your actions show love.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 23:17:34 +0000

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