Everyone has been doing this and Ive enjoyed reading everyone - TopicsExpress


Everyone has been doing this and Ive enjoyed reading everyone elses so I figured why not. Well Kriston gave me # 15 so here goes... 1. My daughter is my world and I put a lot of thought into her name. Caroline means song of happiness or joyful song. She is the joyful music on our lives and has given us so much happiness from the day we knew shed be joining us. Her middle name is Lynn after my sister Michelle Lynn. Shes the 4th family child named after my sis. Kaylee Michelle, Layla Michelle, and Michelle Lea are also named after her. 2. My hubby is my BFF and we have been together since I was 14 and weve never broken up. We enjoy the simple things of life together and have truly enjoyed every minute of our new adventure as Mama and Daddy. We can always make each other laugh and are crazy together and mostly crazy about each other. We kinda think were made for each other. Nobody else could put up with either of us or our craziness. 3. My family and friends mean the world to me. They are always there when I need the and most of my best moments involve them. I dont know what Id do without them. I also have several close friends that I consider my sisters. They know who they are. 4. Ive wanted to be a teacher since I was a tiny little girl. I always played school, house, church, and rock concert with my stuffed animals. Thanks to The Lord, Blake Mooney, WVSU, and Rock Band at fulfilled my dreams to be a Mama, wife, teacher, and rock star. Im still waiting to be a black preacher. Anyone who knows me knows I dont mean that disrespectfully. Black preachers are just awesome plain and simple. 5. I have a very eclectic taste in music...my iPod and phone have a varied assortment of all the best music. On any given day Ill switch from Loretta Lynn to Bon Jovi, to SRV, to Pearl Jam, CCR, Eminem, Pink Floyd, Allman Brothers, Avenged Sevenfold, Garth, Jackson Browne, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Miranda Lambert, Jack Johnson, and around again. Mostly I love anything with awesome guitar licks or meaningful lyrics. Music is my sanity and my happy place. 6. We are animal lovers. Wed adopt every stray animal if we could. We have 3 dogs and 4 cats. Wed have been more but had to cut ourselves off before we became animal hoarders. Our pets are our babies too. 7. Im deeply spiritual. I believe in God the same way I believe in oxygen. I cant see Him but I can always count on Him being there sustaining my life. 8. I love sweet tea both hot and cold and various flavors. I like to refer to it as the nectar or the gods. I like it the way I like my man very strong and sweet. 9. I love sweets. RC and Pepsi also. Most the time I have a pop in my hand. Yes Im too fat to drink regular pop but I dont like diet and besides that crap will kill you. I love candy, Popsicles, and snow cones. Again Im too fat to eat junk but life is short and I prefer mine to be as sweet as possible. 10. I love by Weather Channel. I used to watch it on repeat with my mamaw and It makes me feel like everything is okay and all is right with the world. I watch it religiously and check the weather each day. Even on vacation ole Jim Cantorre never lets me down. 11. I play guitar. I have since I was 13. I truly enjoy it and wish I had more time to do it. I miss playing in church and Im sure someday soon thats where Ill end up. I wish I had so many guitars. My top picks for a few Id like to own currently are a Koa wood Taylor, a Gibson Les Paul Custom, a Gibson Dove, a Fender Telecaster, a Schecter, a Paul Reed Smith, a RainSong, and a Flying V. 12. I love to write. I write songs, poems, short stories, etc. I never have time to do it anymore but its something I truly enjoy. Id love to write a childrens book or become a storyteller. Writing is a great form of expression and a wonderful stress relived. My problem is I usually dont like anyone reading what Ive written. As you can tell Im also very wordy and have a lot to say. 13. Im a country girl. I like to fish, camp, ride around in the woods, go four wheeling, build a good bonfire, etc. Im most comfortable in a dirty pair of boots, some jeans, t-shirt, a flannel or a hoodie. I love being outside and I enjoy nature more than anything else. My favorite places on earth are at home with my loves, Oak Island, NC, Gatlinburg, TN, Watoga State Park, Greenbrier River, New River, up White Oak, Dark Holler, and the river bank behind my mama and daddys house. These are the places I can be my ole laid back country girl self. 14. Im a major nerd. I love to read and love to learn. I especially enjoy reading about ghosts, spirits, history, conspiracy theories, and strange and unusual things. We watch shows about the same stuff. 15. Im terrified of slugs. Ill hold snakes, pick up frogs, kill spiders, walk up to a bear, but cant stand the sight of a slimy slug. I woke up to one on my arm once when we were camping and about tore the tent down trying to get out of it. Like this and Ill give you a number so you can play along.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 01:53:33 +0000

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