Everyone has their own political stands/interpretations. However - TopicsExpress


Everyone has their own political stands/interpretations. However its not remarkable to find a problem in whatever your opposite party or statesman does. Now as an answer to all anti Modi guys, let me try to pen down few valid reasons for which Modiji might have fought back tears in his first speech: -- We usually gets tired after a lengthy outing or shopping right? Or after a cricket game or some hectic activities at home. Now the 62 year old Modiji(minimum 30 years elder to all of us) has travelled lakhs of kms and conducted close to 500 rallies through out India. All his dream while working hard till 10th of May 2014, was to lead his team to a decisive victory and he does it. Think with a little sense and answer me,had been any of us in such a situation, or if a victory follows us after such a hardwork, wont we weep at least??? -- As Advani walked up to his one time protege with a bouquet, Modi touched the 86-year-old leaders feet(his mentor also). Advaniji broke down and warmly embraced Modiji. This might have made Modiji emotional, which later lead to tears in his eyes. Just touch your heart and think of a similar situation in our life, where a senior teacher who comes and congratulates us emotionally. I believe anyone who is good in mind will have tears in eyes in such a moment. -- Modis childhood was not as easy like many of ours. As he said at a rally in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand - Rahuls day is made if he gets a toffee. but in my childhoodI had to sell tea to make ends meet. I had trophies in mind not toffee. This statement means more than a simple allegation against the opposite party leader. Being said that, the moment Modiji spoke in parliament has its own emotional significance, as it was the moment when a boy who was economically and socially backward in his childhood has turned out as the TOP OFFICIAL of the Republic of India. Wont it suffice a valid reason to have few drops of emotional tears in his eyes. -- Modiji joined BJP in 1987. He has completed 27 years with the party. Is it wrong if he shows the commitment to his organization and called his party as Mother. We are bonded to any material - be it a pen or pencil, if its a part of our life for few years. In that case is it wrong if I say Modiji was so bonded to the party and it paved the way to emotion. -- Modiji is a human being having his own culture and emotions. You might have noticed Sachin Tendulkar touching the ground before entering to the field. You might have seen Indian cricket team players crying after winning world cup last time. Would your mind think those moments also as a drama? If those moments are genuine, whats wrong in Modiji weeping after his victory? The reasons keeps going on. Its important for every political followers to understand a basic fact that, winning and loosing are 2 sides of the same coin. But remember, When they are in deep shit, better to keep the mouth shut!!! Accept the failure. Congratulate the winners and call for a strong introspection about the reasons for the failure.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 18:22:06 +0000

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