Everyone have your thyroid checked. I just returned from my blood - TopicsExpress


Everyone have your thyroid checked. I just returned from my blood test. I love Adele from the UK who wrote the following: Hi my name is Adele. I have hypothyroidism. To date , I am currently on 300mg of levothyroxine. It all started 7 years ago when I was 22years old. Firstly I noticed that my periods had stopped. After numourous pregnancy tests and negative results, we ruled out pregnancy. Constantly feeling tired, worn out, and quite sad, I thought about going to my doctors. I didnt go because I assumed ,being a single mum with a 2 year old daughter , that i would naturally be tired running around after my daughter, sleepless nights, the usual.. My skin started to become very dry, I found more hair on my brush, in the bath, on the floor that was normal for me. Same again, I thought well I didnt look after myself like i should, i didnt moisturise, have my hair cut regulary. Tired because my daughter was teething, i piled weight on, but yet again, I wasnt working at the time, I wasnt as active as i had been, I wasnt really watching what i ate... excuses excuses . Though I wasnt pregnant so why had my periods stopped? My mum advised me that I should go see my Gp to see what was happening. After numourous trips to the gp, blood test after blood test.. " everything is fine Adele, dont worry. Just try to lose a few pounds and stop smoking e back and see me if you struggle" Ok i thought doc knows best. Weeks went by and no period, felt so down and upset all the time, was eating healthier and stopped smoking. No weight loss..no periods.. could fall asleep on a washing line, terrible dry skin, my nails on my feet started to fall off..my hair was coming out in clumps, i felt like crying. I asked my mum to come in with me to see my gp because i just felt at a lost end. I knew something wasnt right and i wanted to know what! That day, why my mum was there,.. she said "there is no way a 22year old girls period should stop for no reason at all..Look at her she is drained." The doc said " well i forward her to see the Thyroid Specialist at my local hospital." I thought what is that?! I thought he said i was ok?! Within 2 weeks an appointment came through and i see DrMcNulty, thyroid specialist. He took a few blood samples off me, came back with 30mins and asked me " How have You even got here?I dont even know how you have got up this morning. " Well i never.. I was in shock . He asked me had i had this symptom, that symptom.. Yes i say.. followed by .." well i have a 2 year old " "yes i have .. well i dont moisturise " .." yes i have.. well I dont exercise" He said stop answering my questions with your excuses. He said I have underactive thyroid, and that i need to take medication daily. Straight away he started me on 50mg levothyroxine. Within days i was like a new woman. I felt on top of the world! WOW! Within weeks, my periods came back, I had energy, I started to lose a few pounds, not a lot but just a few, my nails were stronger, my skin had colour in it, and i felt amazing! I even stayed up past 10pm! .. Well according to my GP, there was nothing wrong. So why did he send me to thyroid specialist after 4 visits to him and my mum saying her bit! ... Well 7years down the line, Ive suffered with depression, Mostly around winter time, still feel low during the other months and constantly a day dreamer. Im always sweating , constantly warm, with freezing hands. I feel like my heads a big mush at times and find it hard to explain things. Like finding the right word..I forget a lot, silly things..but its becoming a constant lately. I cant even think now what " being sent to a hospital is called LOL.. I laugh because ive come to terms with it and people call me dizzy, It isnt a laughing matter but this is me now. People know me and they know i Have hypothyroidism, but like me 7 years ago they dont know the truth about it. I hadnt even heard of it! Straight onto google.." what is hypothyroidism! " Oh yes thats me.. Ive got that .. etc. And yes The outer third of my eyebrows no longer exist! My skin is still dry.. I have struggled with the biggest weight battle, and finally come to terms with what i can and cant eat. I have followed Slimming World , and attend groups weekly. I have found a new love, called ZUMBA! and attend 3 times a week. After 12 months I have managed to lose 2 stone. I know its going to be a long journey but i will fight this! I have my eyebrow pencil, moisturiser, and thyroxine ready! plenty of coffee and regular periods are the way forward, and freezing cold hands and itchy skin to make it a package! I also have very puffy calves/ankles and feet..maybe fluid retention? Dunno.. they dont go down with water tablets. My knees are very creaky, hurt a lot and i get cramp a lot in my legs. Not a good time during a zumba session! My anxiety is absolutely shocking.. its awful.. the bad thoughts that go through my mind.. is well upsetting. and as for the skin on my fingers,, you might as well call me a cannibal lol.. and i think i sound like a bloke hehe my voice is quite hoarse and always seem to have a frog in my throat! I am booked in this week for another routine blood check, last time i went my TSH was 11 :/ I hope its lowered now, dont fancy taking more tablets.. but hey ho..I am now happy , yeh i still have my days where i wanna scream and or cry.. but suppose thats life. Get to your GP and dont take no for an answer. Thyroidism affects every aspect of your life , and I think it needs to be talked about more. MAKE PEOPLE AWARE OF THIS ILLNESS. Thank you very much for spending your time reading this. Take care xx
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 23:14:51 +0000

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