Everyone is doing it...So why not? Day One: I am extremely - TopicsExpress


Everyone is doing it...So why not? Day One: I am extremely thankful for All of my family! Old and New. Old because theyve been there through everything! And have still stuck by my side even after all the arguments and fights weve gone through...New because even though theyve been here for a short amount of time, Theyve helped me a lot...Through good and bad things. I couldnt ask for a better family! Day Two: I am Very thankful for my Siblings, Tiffany and Savannah. And my Best Friend Thenightguard. No matter how often We Do Argue!!!! We come out strong as ever. Theyve all helped me through break ups, Being sick, Bettering my life in all different ways. And just No matter the time or day or whatever, They are there for me for everything. Even if my sister did move three hours away. Lol. Also my brothers, Jerry, He kicked someones ass because he hit me the other day...He took two hits(Or more) to the face and came out with Two black eyes but still stood his ground and helped me out! He is a great brother. And my Step-Brothers, Justin(Who I argue with all the time) and Keith, Who also supports everything I do. They both trust me(One more than the other) But its good to know that they care about me and accept me as their sister! Id do anything for all of these kids! Wait! Cant forget my Soon to be Brother-In-Law, Earl. As much as him and I fight...I still listen to what he has to say and ask him for help whenever I need it, And he helps me. Hes a good guy and has been in my life for several years. Thanks Dude! Day Three: My Parents....Dad, Rudy. And Mom, Michele...19 years ago, They brought me into this world. No matter what Ive done to them they still do all they can to help me grow into a better person. Without those two, I wouldnt be anywhere. I just recently moved out and even living on my own they still help me (As any parent would do for their child) But it just amazes me how much they actually help me. Id also like to include Jean in this....She came into our family in June..I was not very happy about it, But as time went along she and I became closer. She helped me get a job, Let me move with when they moved, and now that Im out on my own, She still supports every little thing I do. Thanks Guys!!! Day Four: Im thankful for the two jobs I have...One of them I absolutely despise and wish I could quit, But nonetheless, I bust ass to get my job done and am always in a good mood when Im there! The other one, I Love...Its simple and the clients are Amazing! (: Day Five: Well, I am thankful that I have a place to live. Even though one of our roommates ditched, We still have it and are happy living with just the two of us! Me and Heather...Im glad we are grown up enough to do our own thing and still survive in this crazy messed up world! Lol. Dunno whos actually gonna read all this crap. But thanks if you do. :p
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 07:44:39 +0000

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