Everyone is entitled to an opinion. However depraved you may think - TopicsExpress


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. However depraved you may think it might be, it is his/her opinion and if he/she can back it up and can be reasonable in discussing things with you, you should definitely talk to them. Thats how things work out. Thats how things should work out. We, as a nation, need to talk about Gaza. It doesnt matter whatever side you take. Saying that Pakistan has more important problems does not preclude discussion on Gaza or ISIS or any matter of international importance. Talk about your own problems too. If you dont want too, thats a fair choice. If you identify yourself as an international citizen, good for you. If you dont, dont criticize other people for not having an opinion about Pakistan. #PleasehaveanopiniononGaza #Pleasebereasonableaboutthings #Pleasedontannoymewithweirdthingsthatmakenosense Be reasonable. Speak. Also, Ad Hominem sucks. If you can win an argument regardless, be dignified about things.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:02:29 +0000

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