Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I just wanted to say - TopicsExpress


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I just wanted to say that I think too many talented dancers are closed minded about taking classes that will help them grow. Its not always only about the steps, the coolest groove, being too full out, or being in a pocket. Its about the art behind your movement, your story, feeling, connection, portraying the artists words, finding your way of adding a spice to yourself as an individual and realizing that dance is a form of art and youre an ARTIST. Have intention. If you classify yourself as one type of dancer, you are not opening your mind and establishing yourself as an artist or a product that can be sold for the next gig or more importantly allowing yourself to love the challenge! Take the classes that build your confidence but also take the classes that bring something foreign and new out of you where you are allowing room for self growth. Dont be too safe on your journey. Experiment, push yourself out of your comfort zone, and open your mind to not being the best dancer in a room but the artist that makes you special, unique, and gives you your own special individuality! This is personally something Im working on too! There are so many roads we can take because we all have our own thought process. Im just saying I can tell a lot of people are loosing the commitment and intention behind their moves. A good dancer is not just the one who mastered one persons style. I happen to love the dancers who continuously surprise you no matter whos class they take. Those are the good students and a lot of them are under rated which makes no sense. There are a lot of those dancer coming up so dont sleep on them. A lot of real talent and ambition here. Before you know it theyll pass us all up. There is a difference behind the best choreographer and the best teacher. Take from both. We are out here to train! Dont forget where your mind was when you started your journey. Its easy to get sidetracked or forget about the path. Open your minds and allow yourself to grow in other elements too. This is for me too! Just was thinking deep in my head and wanted to relay my message via context. My goal this year is to find the classes that help me grow and build as an artist. I want to take classes that challenge me to move differently too. My issue is knowing my own style so well that instead of doing someones move that makes me uncomfortable over and over til its less foreign I begin to do it my own way and tense up. Im not saying Im perfect and I definitely have a lot to work on, I just want to see more talented dancers stop taking class to be in the hottest new class video and dance for themselves again! Find what helps you evolve and push through but also maintain what keeps you passionate. I want to push off of the dancers who constantly remind me why I love to dance and why it shouldnt feel like a job at all times. Its our passion so embrace it and dont let your head take over your chance to shine and build! Lets open our minds, try new things, and stop constantly staying in our comfort zone. You will learn to appreciate more styles once you allow room for growth! Lets be the best we can be and remember our intension to always allow and want room for personal growth!!! Sincerely Cameron Lee
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 08:05:16 +0000

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